An earth inhabited by humans fully aware of their interconnectedness with all of life.
In harmony with our innate joy, kindness and curiosity, we honor our individuality while contributing to the well-being of others and our natural world.
The REALIZATION of our TRUE NATURE is what EARTH needs to REBALANCE Itself.
Because… JOY is what you are … here for!
Empowering, educating, and inspiring humankind to cultivate inner harmony through holistic well-being practices, transformative messages, meaningful connections, and mindful interactions. We create virtual and eco-friendly spaces for our community and well-being collaborators, dedicated to reminding us of our interconnected nature.
The Fit for Joy Vision Space — It is a non-profit organic garden and well-being eco space located in Kauai, Hawaii. It offers online and on-site workshops, classes, lectures, in-person podcast interviews and training programs dedicated to healthy practices, alternative healing and sustainable living.
The design of our space is based on the principles of The Flower Of Life which are sacred geometric patterns found in nature. It facilitates the smooth flow of energy, promoting a sense of balance and well-being.
The "Flower of Life" symbol in sacred geometry is a composition that is not only beautiful; it has profound symbolic meanings for our existence, life on Earth, the formation of the Universe, and our place in it.
The Flower of Life is a symbolic representation of life and the interconnectedness of all things. It is associated with the Sacred Geometry school of thought, an ancient science that studies the spiritual significance of shapes and proportions and how they reflect the universe. The circles that make up the flower symbol can be arranged in an infinite number of ways, each creating a new and unique pattern. This reminds us that we are all capable of creating anything we can imagine and that our potential is limitless.
The "Flower of Life" is considered a symbol deeply connected to nature, representing the interconnectedness of all life through its geometric pattern of overlapping circles, which many believe mirrors the fundamental structures found throughout the natural world, from the cellular level to the arrangement of petals on a flower, signifying a universal pattern of creation and growth; essentially acting as a visual representation of the idea that all things are born from a single source and are part of a unified whole.
Every interaction is an opportunity to create moments of true connection, healing, joy and everlasting positive impact.
Founder of Fit for Joy, author, student of Vedanta & facilitator
I was born in Brazil and was severely impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs.)
I promised myself to be resilient on my quest for well-being, yet, with limited resources and education, my teenage years were mired in unnecessary suffering.
At the age of nineteen, I met an American mentor who brought me to the United States and taught me about the importance of eating healthy and exercising regularly. I was also encouraged to engage with art therapy (music, dance and singing).
My curiosity and willingness to heal led me to inspiring experiences. I learned to dance flamenco and performed professionally in Miami, Florida. I wrote my own songs and played guitar — it brought moments of JOY back into my daily life!
When I moved to New York City, I became a certified personal trainer and guided many into the path of health and wellness. I later won first-prize as a fitness competitor in two divisions for my dedication and professionalism.
What felt like a well-being destination, was only the beginning of my healing/spiritual exploration.
In my mid-thirties I became deeply depressed and was diagnosed with C-PTSD stemming from my childhood trauma. The work I had done to heal my body and mind was halfway accomplished. It was time to commit to well-being education and to engage with different healing modalities to treat C-PTSD.
During my “being well” exploration, I traveled, wrote books, got married, became a dog mom, started a podcast collaborating with hundreds of well-being facilitators in the USA and from around the world.
Although I continue to learn and gain profound insights into the essence of well-being, I have realized that JOY is our nature. JOY is our unlearned expression of gratitude and appreciation for the dance of life.
Our limitations must not become our destiny, but instead guide us to experience our own wholeness and the wholeness of life.
We are all FIT FOR JOY. :)
“Six hours later I had finished reading Fit for Joy and found myself sitting there deep in thought about the cause of my present discontent.
~ Terry Clayton, Psychologist and Educator
“We must find our peace and happiness inside ourselves if we hope to find it in the world around us. Valeria's story is powerful and personal. You will find deep meaning in these pages and be encouraged to transform your life.”
~ Elisa Robyn, Renaissance Educator, Leader, Consultant and Astrologer
“Changing the meaning that we give to events, circumstances, and creating our own positive inner self-talk are such valuable lessons that can take our joy of life to new levels. I could not put the Fit for Joy book down. It's a true story, that could change your life, maybe forever.”
~ Cliff Yates, Retired from Police work, Actor and Comedian
“Through a practice of awareness and self-love, Valeria consciously chooses to connect to the power of her heart as she embraces the joy within rather than seeking external sources to attain the joy. As an Intuitive Medium and Conscious Creator, her message is in alignment with my own heart-centered practice and teachings. It's time for all of us to step into our power fully, embody a practice of well-being and love ourselves fully.”
~ Shelly Wilson, Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Spiritual Teacher
“Fit for Joy is not as much about physical fitness as it is about internal fitness – love and acceptance for yourself.
In the last part of the book Ms. Teles goes deep into her personal journey of self-discovery. She shares her views of heart-based love, of what matters in life.
If you have been chasing external validation, seeking happiness outside yourself, it will be easy for you to see the futility of your efforts.”
— John Chancellor, Author and Amazon Reviewer
“Valeria's books help those of you ready for more peace and less fear to remember how. Where we place our attention is our choice. Love just FEELS better than fear, when we learn how. Allow Valeria to show you.”
~ Lynn Telford-Sahl, Author, Psychologist, and Coach
“Valeria writes with intelligence, heart, and genuine wisdom. If you read her books with attention and put the wisdom into practice, you will transform your relationship with your mind, and therefore, with life.”
~ Josh Sandeman, Zen Buddhist and Writer
“Valeria’s insights and perspectives are transparent and authentic, and her journey will inspire your own. If you are ready for physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation, then Fit for Joy is for you.”
— Michael Thomas Sunnarborg, Wellness Wrangler | Coach | Relentless Optimist