
“I consciously use she and her when I speak to God…”

“When I talk about God, these days, I very consciously use a feminine pronoun, I say she, because we have spent 2000 years now using all masculine pronouns to describe God. And it has contributed to the dominator culture, it has contributed to the mess that we have found ourselves in. And so I consciously use she and her when I speak to God, when I think about God, and when I talk about God, because it's time that we acknowledge that God exists beyond gender.”

~ Kathe Schaaf

A Quest For Well-Being Podcast Guest


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“Wise, diplomatic, and assertive…”

“To be a woman is to have, and bring forward both our feminine and masculine energies that we all have, but in a way that is wise, and diplomatic, and assertive when necessary to be powerful in the world. But to bring forward the, the compassion, and the actual ability to give life and to give birth to things — (like) the whole combination is very powerful in a very nurturing, yet assertive way. “

~ Janet McKee

A Quest For Well-Being Podcast Guest


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“The visions we are given for our lives are there for a purpose”

“Our lives being the ultimate form of creativity. We are the art forever creating and coloring and changing the being of our canvas as we learn and grow. And the choices we make in our lives are the external expressions of that art.

The visions we are given for our lives are there for a purpose, no matter how much of a stretch they seem. These visions come from our higher selves, from spirit, from the universe, from soul callings, from the powers and entities of love, which guide and direct our days.”

~ BethAnne Kapansky Wright

A Quest For Well-Being Podcast Guest