Release: 2023!


What is the purpose of the human experience?

What is Love to you?

What are the obstacles to healing?

What is to be free? 

These are some of the questions I have asked hundreds of open-hearted humans in the healing, spiritual, and well-being world. I had the amazing opportunity to listen to, become aware of, and experience the empowered and embodied beauty of transformative wisdom.

This book has been inspired by over 1000 conversations with inspirational and transformational authors, life coaches, shamans and healers, non-duality and spiritual teachers, therapists, scientists, artists, and yoga teachers.

The purpose of this work is to contribute to the uncovering of fundamental truths that bridges science and spirituality. The kind of truths that can enlighten and transform our moment-to-moment experiences.

In The Freedom to Feel, you will find empowering messages, insights, tools, and realizations in two parts: Emotional Healing and Spiritual Awarenss.



I have been seeking joy since joy seemed to have left me when I was still a child. I can vividly remember those days, how easy it was to smile and laugh. Life was a flow of unfolding experiences that gratitude and appreciation manifested naturally. Simple and fun, life was a dance of freedom in which all feelings and emotions were welcomed without judgments or labels.

Yet, I also remember some classmates telling me to stop smiling. They said that my smile wasn’t beautiful. I ignored them until I realized the sadness and fear that arose from their disapproval.

This was when limiting beliefs started to grow within my mind based on the fear of not being enough and not belonging. I did everything possible to please others, to feel loved and accepted by them.

Day after day, my open, curious, and joyful inner world shut down. My perception was based on external needs and informed by fear. There was a strong sense that I had lost my way back to my precious inner world — my heart. That’s how I became a joy seeker.

In truth, joy had never abandoned me, I had abandoned joy — I now know!

The inspiration to write this book, and do what I do today, comes from the experience of heart disconnection. I was not aware of the inspiring desire to help others heal and grow. I now recognize that this desire has been present in all the moments I was wishing for and working on my own healing.  

Life is utterly supportive of itself, and healing begins the very moment the wound is inflicted on any part of us: body, mind, or soul. I have been the witness to my own healing journey, the one that began the moment I felt disconnected from my heart. All the experiences I have had since then have shown me the way back to truth, joy, love, and peace — not as a destination, but as a way of being. To be in love with the human experience as a whole and as it happens to be, here and now.

I realize now that losing joy was actually the loss of attention for joy. I had been focused on external factors, but joy was always there, waiting for my return. Just like adventuring into the wild, with the possibility of getting lost and facing challenges on your way back, a similar predicament happens when you lose connection to your heart. It was a long way home for me. The wild adventure away from my heart lasted decades and inspired me to share stories from my childhood and young adulthood, which I documented in my first book, Fit for Joy

At the end of my journey as a joy seeker, a new seeker emerged: a seeker of truth. It has been another amazing adventure — but this time, I don’t feel alone and disconnected. It is a different kind of seeking. I’m not looking to find what is lost but to find creative ways of expression that reflect my heart’s desires.

On a deeper level, this book writes itself with the pen of our interconnectedness.

Another inspiration to write this book from having hundreds of heartfelt, open, and insightful conversations about healing, well-being, and spirituality on the podcast I host: A Quest for Well-Being. I am so grateful for and appreciative of the amazing opportunity to listen, deepen my awareness, and experience the empowered and embodied beauty of the human heart.

The purpose of this work is to contribute to the uncovering of fundamental truths bridged by science and spirituality. The kind of truths that can enlighten and transform our moment-to-moment experiences. The information provided here is also grounded in direct experiences from life-changing realizations, applied healing methods, and simple practices that have had a profound impact on my own well-being. 

In The Freedom to Feel, you will find empowering messages, insights, tools, and realizations in two parts: Emotional Healing and Spiritual Awareness. It has been enlightening to discover the relationship between healing and spiritual knowledge. My own experience taught me that the more we heal, the more we become aware of our essence and its connection to everything that is felt and perceived by the body and mind. 

In Part One: Emotional Healing, the messages, insights, tools, and realizations are intended to inspire the reader to become aware of the fact that emotional healing is possible by understanding ourselves and the nature of our emotions, which are often connected to the way we think.

We are here to feel everything within the range of the human experience, and the judgments we make about feelings being ‘bad’ or ‘shameful’ are only reflections of the misconceptions we have about ourselves, others, and life itself.

When we realize that we are free to feel, our human experience takes new forms, reaches perceptive heights, and, eventually becomes a creative way of living that benefits humanity. 

In Part Two: Spiritual Awareness, the messages, insights, and realizations communicate deeper fundamental truths. This section is intended to inspire the reader to realize that they are already free, not just to feel but to BE — to be present to what is present.  

When we dive deep, we understand that our essence is permanent, untouched, and divine. We become aware of its interconnectedness to everything that is perceived by the body, and the imaginative power of the mind.

From this level of awareness, the human experience tends to gracefully flow as we merge back into the stream of life as life itself. There is a sense of joy and growth within our moment-to-moment experiences. Our focus and attention are no longer limited but open to a broader picture, where flexibility, kindness, collaboration, gratitude, appreciation, and understanding become the premise of our thinking minds. Our individual lives start to reflect our wholeness — the wholeness we have always been.

Our understanding of healing must be the same as our understanding of life. Harmony, health, and happiness are allowed to flourish when resistance and fear fade away. Then and only then, will there be space for flow.

Flow is another word for freedom, and freedom is the dance of harmony — a dance of life, to the rhythm of flexibility, adaptability, openness, curiosity, creativity, and intelligence. Flow is unconditional love.

It’s a graceful dance in its own all-inclusive terms. It’s not always beautiful to the mind’s eyes, because it is free to move through the melody of all feelings, emotions, and physical changes without missing a beat!!!

May love be our guide.

May kindness and flexibility be our practice.

May inner peace be our companion.

May truth find us.


Valeria T. Koopman

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