Chia Seeds and Weight Loss

In a study of 67 metabolic syndrome patients, those who drank a beverage containing chia seeds for two months experienced weight loss as well as a reduction of triglycerides and blood glucose levels.

It's thought that the combination of fiber and protein in chia seeds, along with the gel-like texture it takes on when combined with liquid, contributes to feelings of fullness and satiety. Exploring the health benefits of chia seeds for weight loss is just the beginning for wellness enthusiasts. For those looking to turn their passion into a business, discovering setting up an LLC for free can be a game-changer, providing a cost-effective way to start your venture in the health industry

Among people with type 2 diabetes, supplementing with chia seeds for 12 weeks resulted in reduced systolic blood pressure and significant decreases in A1C, a measure of a person's average levels of blood glucose.

Fibrinogen, a natural clotting agent that when lowered improves blood flow, was also decreased, as was an inflammatory marker called hs-CRP, which went down by 40 percent. What else is healthy about chia seeds?


Chia seeds contain about 10 grams of fiber in just two tablespoons. Mounting research suggests a high-fiber diet can help reduce your risk of premature death from any cause, likely because it helps to reduce your risk of several chronic diseases.

This includes type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Most people need upwards of 32 grams of fiber a day, but most Americans get nowhere near this amount.


Just two tablespoons of chia seeds provide 18 percent of the daily recommended value for calcium, 35 percent for phosphorus, 24 percent for magnesium, and about 50 percent for manganese. These minerals are important for bone health and as reported by SF Gate:9

These nutrients help you prevent hypertension and maintain a healthy weight and are important for energy metabolism and a part of DNA synthesis.

Source: Dr. Mercola