Alcohol - How many calories are YOU drinking?

How many calories are YOU drinking? The ways alcohol contributes to weight gain are shocking.

People who consider themselves average wine drinkers consume an excess of 2,000 calories per month - the equivalent of 141 ice creams a year.

In fact, for adults who drink, alcohol alone accounts for a whopping ten percent of the calories they consume. 

Here are some more facts:

A spirit and coke is similar in calories to a blueberry muffin.
A pina colada = doughnut
A glass of wine = slice of cake
A 50ml of liqueur = two sausages
A pint of lager = slice of pizza
A frozen margarita = cheeseburger 

- The juices and sodas that many alcoholic beverages are mixed with are loaded with sugar, which can be stored as fat.

- Drinking alcohol often increases your appetite and decreases your mindfulness, leading to poor food choices and overeating. Might as well binge on junk food; it's easy to convince yourself that alcohol isn't that fattening, but the facts show that this is far from true.

- Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram - that's almost the same as PURE FAT!

- When is comes to weight loss (or gain) it ultimately comes down to calories-in VS calories-out, and empty calories in alcohol (no nutritional value) can easily add up.

- Metabolism: Alcohol is ingested - Alcohol is metabolized - Fat oxidization stops = weight gain or/and slowed metabolism. 

Once alcohol is in your system, your body makes metabolizing it a priority. That means that it will stop metabolizing anything else in order to first get the alcohol metabolized. The reason for this is because unlike protein, carbohydrates, and fat, there is nowhere for alcohol to be stored in our body, so it has be metabolized first.

- A 100-calorie shot of tequila turns into a 500-calorie margarita once it's swirled into the margarita mix.

- Alcohol can wreak havoc on a system that is in place for your health and well-being. Excessively low or high blood sugar levels have long-term consequences. If you choose to consume alcohol, here are some tips to help avoid this problem:

- Never drink on an empty stomach.
- Start with nonalcoholic beverages to satisfy your thirst and continue to have one available while you consume alcohol.
- Limit the amount that you drink.
- You can make a drink last longer and lower the impact that it will have on your blood sugars by having a wine spritzer.
- Consume beverages without alcohol during and after exercise.

- Eat a healthy meal before going out to keep you feeling full.
- Drink water between alcoholic beverages to help you consume less alcohol.
- Prepare healthy snacks before going out to prevent post-drinking noshing.

Best drinks to order:
- Vodka with lemon
- Light Beer
- Gin and tonic with lime
- Red Wine

Avoid having fancy cocktails.

Alcohol is considered a poison by your body, and all efforts are made to excrete it, including the cessation of maintaining healthy blood glucose levels. 

Those who choose to drink alcoholic beverages should do so sensibly and in moderation. The damage is not limited to alcoholics, so everyone who consumes alcohol needs to pay attention to how much they are drinking, what they are drinking, and when they are doing so. 

Source: Dailymail and Medicine Net