Here are some inspiring and insightful passages in “The Magnificent Soul: The Art of Living in a World Founded on Consciousness” by George Chyz


— I’ve heard some people claim that everything is love. 

If love was ever-present and the basis of everything, then why don’t we have a world of abundant peace and prosperity today? Could a world made of love result in widespread competition? 

In 2019, there where 436 mass shootings in the USA. That’s more than one per day! Just forty years ago, these hatred-fueled crimes began taking place more often than once a year. While some people are opening to love, most people seem to be focused on power. 

Although love may not be the foundation of reality, my Soul and the experiences it guided me through have convinced me love is the most precious treasure that has been discovered since the beginning of time. To enable open-hearted people to explore love to its fullness, the Age of Love will emerge in way that honors everyone. 

Gratefully, love dissolves the self-serving lust for power that has accompanied individuality. It draws people together with desires to support one another in spite of the convincing illusion of separation and individuality. If you’re a Romantic who is opening to love and learning about it presently, as I am, you may have noticed how the power of love instills open-hearted people with desires to give generously. Additionally, you may have discovered how the power of love seems inexhaustible and wonderfully beneficial for all of life, as it encourages synergy amongst everything and everyone. 

Eventually, at the end of the Age of Love, when love has fully blossomed, little humans will have discovered much more about love.  Those revelations will most likely inspire the next adventure, the one that will commence after the end of time.

— Gratitude and love both come from the Superconscious-Soul that resides in the heart. Both are forms of intuition. Our Souls are Trees of Life that bear the fruit of love. This fruit contains a precious seed that is gratitude. Planting these seeds of gratitude causes love to grow in your heart and the hearts of whomever you bless with appreciation.  To plant a seed of gratitude, all you need to do is express the feeling of appreciation whenever it is offered from your heart. All seeds are truly magical, and the seeds of love are gratitude. These magic seeds spoil quickly if they aren’t planted. That being the case, one of the most important things that you can do is to simply say “thank you” every time you feel the slightest sense of appreciation. 

Even if someone tried to fake following the Way-of-the-Heart path, their Soul would be fully aware of that person’s intentions, simply because a person’s Soul knows all of their thoughts. 

In regard to the benefits, many people have thanked me for sharing this book’s message and told me that early versions improved their connection to their Soul and enhanced their lives. 

So, it seems that the time has come to put all the cards on the table and see where the chips fall. 

If you have intuition, your Superconscious-Soul has all the happiness, love, knowledge and miraculous powers you’ll ever need. 

If you’re a Pragmatic and you want to explore the intuitive Romantic path, try using the decalcification method offered at the end of Chapter 19. 

Regardless of who you are or what you believe, a magnificent consciousness resides in your heart. Some have named this inner divine consciousness the ‘Aumakua, others the Holy Spirit, the Tao, the Atman, etc. I chose to label this divine guardian the Superconscious Soul. Regardless of the name, you may prefer to use, if you are drawn to look within, I hope what has been shared in this book helps you deepen your relationship with this magnificent part of yourself.