
These are some of my favorite passages in “The Healingby Lynda Schmidt.


Back On Vancouver Island, Cate is excited to be reunited with Fredrick, ready to get back into her routine. She sends a text to Finn.

“Driving up the Malahat now. There in 10 minutes.”

She pulls onto Finn’s gravel driveway and leaps from

the car, throwing the keys into her handbag. As she climbs the wooden stairwell she can hear a ruckus inside Finn’s apartment. Her knock on the door goes unanswered, so she tries the knob and discovers it is unlocked. She crosses the threshold to arrive into total chaos. The apartment is a mess, as Cate is discovering is par for the course.

“Finn? It’s Cate,” she calls out to no answer. She steps over a pile of dirty laundry before she turns into the kitchen where she sees Finn on his phone. He waves to her but doesn’t interrupt his call. Fredrick comes scampering over, his tail wagging like crazy, and she bends down to pet him while he licks her hand. Cate starts to pick up Fredrick’s belongings, which are scattered all over the place.

His water dish and food bowl, crusty with remnants, are on the kitchen floor. She gathers everything up and puts it into Fredrick’s Rubbermaid storage container and waits a few more minutes, but Finn is still on the phone. The television blares. Finn’s teenage kids yell at one another. It is all she can do not to cry.

“Text me later,” she yells over the din. “I’m going to take Fredrick home.”

Finn barely seems to register, and Cate departs without a reply.

On the drive home, Cate is lost in thought. She knows that Finn is not her love. She reminds herself she isn’t looking for love, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want something more. She considers the many red flags, the biggest of which is her discontent. She doesn’t feel appreciated. She tells herself not to be judgmental, that these little things don’t matter, but they do. Cate is beginning to understand that acceptance isn’t about settling, it’s about choosing. She wants something Finn can’t give her, and she knows it isn’t fair to either one of them to keep dragging it on.

When Cate gets home she cuddles up with Fredrick on the couch. She cries softly into his thick fur, grieving her loss. When she is done, she feels inspired to write and gets out her journal. 

Angels dancing on my shoulders. Fairies skipping lightly over the Earth, leaving not a trace. Seashells still covering my wounds. I’m yearning for something deeper. A knowing in my heart, rooted in my Spirit.

I know the dance. The Teacher was here and danced and called us to love. If you have ears, listen, he said.

The purpose of our existence is love and only love. Part of loving myself is not accepting less than I desire. Part of loving myself is listening to my heart. 


I took my first step forward on my healing journey when I hurled myself out of my comfort zone to begin a new life on Vancouver Island. Inside the expansiveness of freedom, I began to discover how to love myself.

I found my courage. I started to build my healing tool-kit. I spent time in nature, I journaled, practiced yoga, and meditated. I had to re-learn how to listen to my body and my intuition.

Early on I realized there was no destination. What I was searching for was inside me. I learned that acceptance isn’t about settling, it’s about choosing. Then, when I wasn’t looking, I found true love with Ethan. I had to unravel the stickiness of my past with John before I could build a solid foundation to dream upon.

Ethan’s love has taught me so much. But I also found out along the way that his angel wing didn’t complete me. I had to do my own work. I had to learn how to love and approve of myself unconditionally.

Chloe’s battles with mental health, Dana’s struggles with stability and my challenges with Lyme disease disrupted my healing process. The move to Riyadh was a huge adjustment too. I had to dig deeper and expand my skill set. I uncovered the importance of detachment as I struggled on my letting go journey. I had to learn to accept what I can’t change.

I found strength in the support and wisdom of my sisterhood in Tribe. I chose to let go of the heaviness, guilt, criticism and judgment, to focus on gratitude. I’m not perfect, I never claimed to be, but I am good enough.

Life is a heartbeat. It is an ocean tide that ebbs and flows. If there is one thing I’ve learned, it is to accept and trust that rhythm. To enjoy the highs and endure the lows. Love is the steady foundation. The healing isn’t a place you arrive at, it is a place you discover deep inside you.

It’s time to hurl myself back out of my comfort zone. To release all doubts. To find my strength and trust my authentic self. I know it will be hard. But I know how to do hard. I’ve got the skills and the determination, the love and support. I’ve got the strength and integrity. I’ve got this.