
Here is an insightful passage in “Heaven's Guiding Touch: True Accounts from the Spirit World.” by Tammy Moyen

— One day my girlfriend come over to spend the weekend with me, I recall her telling me about a class her mother was taking called Reiki. She tried to explain to me that it can help heal but she herself did not understand what it actually was. I became extremely intrigued to learn about this art that was able to heal. I registered for a couple of courses where I acquired my first and second level in one year.

Let me give you a brief description of what this healing energy actually is. Reiki is a Japanese technique used for calming, stress reduction, relaxation, and it also helps to promote healing. The more you work with this energy, the stronger you become. When I use this energy I’m able to feel it flowing through me, my hands feel very prickly as the energy flows through them and they begin to get hot and heat up. It was on October 10th of 1998 that I received my third and fourth level Reiki training becoming a Reiki Master Teacher. In requiring all my levels I was now able to teach and pass on this sacred art to others. I recall my Reiki instructor Mark telling me after he was finished with the sacred attunements, I would experience something, but he was unable to explain what exactly that meant. He told me “You will see,” and that we would talk soon. I drove home to visit my parents that night, we had planned to spend the night and leave the next day. I recall very clearly waking up in the middle of the night, sitting straight up in bed feeling panicked. I began blowing on my hands as they felt like they were on fire, I didn’t know what was happening to me, then remembering what Mark told me, it was at that moment I realized that this was happening because of the sacred attunement I had acquired from my class.

After acquiring my third and fourth levels of training, I noticed a difference in the movement and power of this healing energy as it feels more intense and powerful. I would always ask for feedback from the individuals that would come to me for healing energy and I found that in using this sacred art, I was able to heal a headache. One of my friends had a very bad earache that was lasting for days, I gave her Reiki energy directly on her ear and the pain disappeared from her, she told me it never returned. One of my friend’s daughters had to get her back operated on as her spine was fused together; she was only a young teenager at the time. Her mother called me over and asked if I could give her Reiki as she was in a great deal of pain in the following days after her surgery. When I gave her this healing energy she informed me that she could feel it going right through her cast.

Another friend of mine had severe back pain that was being caused by her sciatic nerve, she pleaded with me to come to her house feeling desperate from the pain and discomfort. As I gave her a treatment. I made a point of using a special symbol placing it on her injury, this would then allow the energy to keep flowing as long as it was needed. The next day I received a call from her explaining how she awoke in the middle of the night to feel an intense heat that was directed on her sciatic nerve. She told me it felt like a ball of fire. The next day when she woke up she felt that the pain had relieved itself tremendously, and was able to move around so much better.

On another occasion a client explained to me that she was experiencing a weird flutter sensation in around her heart, you can feel it if your hand is placed there. This was continuing for days she explained. As I placed my hands directly on her heart, eventually I felt what she was experiencing. It felt exactly the same as if your body is having a muscle spasm. I received a call a week later and was told at that time, she was no longer experiencing these symptoms.

One another occasion a client explained to me that his feet were in pain all the time. He explained that he was told about Reiki being effective and thought he should give it a try. I could visually see that both feet were swollen. As I began treating his feet one at a time he told me that he could feel the pain leaving his feet during our session. A week later I was able to confirm that he walked around the exhibition for a whole day without any pain at all and in the days after he found that he was free of the pain he had been experiencing.

I always encourage my clients to seek medical help if it’s needed, I’m not a medical professional. One should never doubt the power of this energy.

Through the years I found that Reiki does live up to all of its teachings and really does have amazing attributes to help one heal. I now have over twenty years of experience working with Reiki energy.

Upon taking my courses I never realized just how instrumental working with energy would be for my future until I found myself at Barb Powell’s workshop where I was about to discover my ability to communicate with the afterlife.