These are some inspiring and insightful passages in “THE KONSCIO METHOD™: Heal. Expand. Evolve.” by Milly Diericx


— If the heart is the seat of the soul, the place where you can connect to know your purpose and the things that fill you with joy, and the brain is a problem-solving machine that takes you where you want to go, then together they are the greatest team to help you manifest who you are in the world. However, they have to be aligned toward the same goal. What usually happens, is that our heart desires one thing, but we have been taught that following our heart is not rational and doesn't make sense—that we have to think and be logical—so we follow the path of the head, which is the one that everyone else approves of because it makes sense. We do so and end up being wretchedly unhappy. We end up living lives that are not what we want them to be, because our alignment is off.

We need to know our heart's desire very clearly, then enlist the mind to tell us how we can make that happen with who we are and what we have. Then, we can start doing what has to be done to achieve our desire. This is the sequence and formula for living the life you really want and not the one that makes sense to others.  When you align yourself with your heart’s desire, a plan, and action, magic happens.

— The empathic movement would be a social movement in which we refuse to be bigots: We treat each other kindly, and we denounce social injustice, police or other authority’s brutality, and criminal behavior every time we encounter it. If we have a firm set of values, we can act from them and ask others to do so with us; the values of the majority—those who hold in the face of the opposition that will surely arise—will, I assure you, provoke social change. This movement should be based on the sincere desire to serve, to be a team, and not in values that are self-righteous, for they tend to exclude those who don’t share such values. The whole idea of being in Empathic Konscio is seeing the richness of diversity, and how every single individual, viewpoint, idea, and value contributes to Team Humanity. Of course, I am not talking about destructive or divisive ideas, like hatred, intolerance, or greed. I’m talking about Higher Konscio values, which will always be cooperative, cohesive, loving, and compassionate. If you are unsure about which values come from Higher Konscio states, go back to the values exercise and read the list to get the gist of the values that contribute to Team Humanity.

Caring for the environment is the same kind of movement; if we, as people with economic power, stop buying goods that are damaging for the environment, they will stop producing them. It's up to us to make large businesses and corporations change their practices with the power of our money. When we invest in something, it thrives; what we don't spend money on becomes unprofitable and stops being produced. Imagine if we stop buying products that damage the environment, like plastics. What would happen to the plastics industry? They would have to adapt to the new market trends or go out of business. If we continue to buy their products as they are, with no criticism, with no conscience, it will continue to be good business, and such corporations will continue to produce them, damaging our environment even further. Just as governments seek power, corporations seek profit, so let's make what is damaging to us and the environment unprofitable for them, so they will adapt and produce things that are both good (or at least not destructive) for the environment and still meet our needs. Power and money are forms of energy; if we give our energy to that which is aligned to our Higher Konscio values and stop giving it to that which is not, we will change what thrives and what doesn’t in our world.

Human ingenuity has no bounds. We can make the things we want and need in different ways, using different materials, halting the destruction and still enjoying our commodities. It is amazing to think that we already have solutions for most of the problems facing us; we are not implementing them because they are not profitable, but they already exist and are quite viable. As an example, we can take the problem of climate change, which we know is produced by an excess of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, mostly carbon dioxide, which is a byproduct of burning fossil fuels. There are many alternatives to the use of fossil fuels, from the use of electric cars to the electricity produced by geothermal, wind, solar, and other ecologically sound means. Why, then, do we keep using fossil fuels? Because large corporations lobby the governments for their use so they can continue to make huge profits. What if we stopped using things that burn fossil fuels, like gasoline cars? What if each of us invested in solar cells for our homes instead of consuming electricity produced by fossil fuels? What would those petroleum consortiums do? Adapt or die. That's what they would do.

We have little awareness of the power each of us has in our own wallet, or the votes we give and the policies we support or protest, but we hold all the cards; they are just trying to cater to us and get our money or our votes. Where we put them is our choice. Money is also energy; just as we are sovereigns in our choice of where we want our energy and how to get it there, we are also sovereign in where we invest the fruits of our labor. We are extraordinarily powerful in all regards. How we behave dictates social trends, laws, and directions of the governing class; where we invest directs the market trends; and how we feel and treat each other directs our own life, our own well-being, and that of those around us.

Take responsibility for your own life and healing, expand your consciousness, and become who you really are: A magnificent being full of light, made of love. By healing the wounds of your own history, you remove the obstacles to being the magnificent light-bearer you were created to be. By healing your heart and creating better relationships with others, you heal your family and community. Healthy communities build better societies and so forth until we have a whole world attuned to Empathic Konscio, acting from love and compassion, being a team, focused on the greater good. Pass every decision through the wisdom of your heart, be empathic to others and nature, and watch the magic happen around you.