Aisha Shael


An inspiring and insightful passage in “Life Gave Me Lemons, and I Made Champagne!.” by Aisha Shael.


—  Abuse is trans-generational. Where and how does it start? Is it passed on genetically or is it learned behavior? It is easy to see how it can be passed on genetically. Everything is energy: our spirit, our mind, our body (which appears solid), and our thoughts….all energy. Procreation is the conflation of two energy systems (parents) to form a third system (child). If one or both parents have been abused and/or are abusive, that energy—which is vibratory thought- form—becomes a part of the child’s DNA. Per Wikipedia, DNA is: “nucleic acid containing the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms”.

From this standpoint, we could say the genetic code for abuse is inherited; the child carries the predisposition to become a perpetrator or a victim—or both. It is also easy to see how it can be passed on as a learned behavior. Children absorb information from their environment; they watch, listen, assimilate, and then express what they have learned. When physically harmed by an adult, a child forms a belief that big people (particularly parents) spank/strike/hurt little people and the example is filed away in the back of the mind for future reference. Mental, emotional, and spiritual abuse are processed the same way—the child ascertains that abusive interface is expected and accepted. What is likely to happen when the child matures, becomes a parent, and judges his/her own child’s behaviors as unacceptable? Repetition of the example—unless the adult is making very conscious choices and making a sincere effort to change the old familiar patterns.

My assessment is that the energy of abuse moves from one generation into the next through both conduits: genetic and behavioral. Some of us have received both the encoding and the behavioral example, yet we don’t mistreat our own children the way we were mistreated. How can we account for that? If we have the propensity, what stops us from acting on it? According to Activist/Author James O’Dea, “Each generation is given wounds to heal from the past.” (“Cultivating Peace: Becoming a 21st Century Peace Ambassador”, 2012).

So, perchance, in addition to the propensity to abuse and/or to be abused, our DNA also carries additional, overriding vibrations: those of peace, healing, and the will to live differently. Could it be that we were brave enough to turn the tide because it was Divine purpose to transfigure the energetic pattern, causing that encoded energy to disintegrate….that is, dis-integrate? Could it be that our lives, individually and collectively, are far more purposeful than we perceive from our human vantage point? Far more powerful than our human mind will allow us to believe? Are we, indeed, participating in an evolution authored by Infinite Intelligence? Do we honor that by aligning with peace and love, with the intention for the greater good of all?