Bonnie Barness


Here are some inspiring and insightful passages in “Experiencing The Shift - Book One: A New Way Of Thinking Seeing And Being” by Bonnie Barness


— “You now know that your feelings are directly related to what you think. You know too if you want to feel the joy and peace that is always within, it is necessary to take a look at your thoughts in order to see which ones lead to feelings of unworthiness, shame, and guilt, and which ones lead to feelings of joy and happiness.”

“As human beings, though we do not have any control over what thoughts come up in our mind, we do have the ability to choose which ones we will focus on and listen to. We also have the ability to choose which ones we will act upon.”

“Beliefs are thoughts that are charged with intense emotion. You discovered, while under the laurel tree, how many of your beliefs were created. Your past actions were based on these beliefs, though you may not have been aware of it at the time.”

“The life that you have was created by the thoughts and beliefs you chose to act upon. If you want to feel a greater sense of well-being and to create change in your life, change some of your thoughts.” 

“Most people are not aware that they have this ability. Their thoughts arise, and then they react. You do have the ability to choose which thoughts you will focus your attention on, and which you will not. This choice, in turn, determines to a great degree how you will feel and the quality of your life.”

“Every decision that you have made in your life, and that you are making right now, is based on your thoughts and feelings. In the past, if you were not aware of what you were thinking, your actions were not completely in your control. The greater your awareness of your inner world, the greater your ability to create the life that you desire.”

“I believe that we come into this world as a beautiful Soul and that through the choices we make, we create who we become in the world. The choices we have made in the past have created much of what our lives are right now. These choices were based largely on our thoughts and feelings. The choices we make today and in the days to come will also be made based on what we think and feel now and in the future.”

“The peace that you seek is within you at all times. It is what you feel when you are connected with your soul, your True Self. Awaken to this Truth. No matter what is happening around you, you have the ability to stay connected. Choose your thoughts wisely. Let your thoughts and actions reflect your True Self. Actualize your True Self in the world. It is your purpose. It is your destiny.”