Diana Muenz Chen — Fit for Joy Blog — Fit for Joy

Diana Muenz Chen



This is one of my favorite passages in “Know Your Soul: Bring Joy To Your Life” by Diana Muenz Chen.


People have expressed a range of experiences when contacting their Soul. They commonly report that their Soul feels expansive and is full of light. You might feel larger than usual. With this expansion, you can also feel spacy—your brain is temporarily not functioning in a logical manner.

You may have a clairvoyant inner experience where you see strong gold or white light on your mind screen. After a Soul meditation, sometimes people think a lamp was turned on during the meditation. It was actually their Soul’s light that they clairvoyantly saw. If you’ve already had conscious contact with your Soul, it is good to strive for clarity in the connection so that you can receive clearer guidance. 

In a focused meditation, imagine your mind in the background simply watching what your Soul is doing, without your mind interfering. Have your ego be an observer. Allow the flow of wisdom from your Soul and try not to interfere with that flow. This will open you to clear communication from your Soul. To deepen your spiritual growth, ask your Soul important questions to stimulate the response of Soul wisdom.

You can develop a conscious relationship with your Soul, which usually takes practice. Focused meditation helps to expand your energy and contact your Soul and consists of focal points that keep your mind and energy on task. For example, a focused meditation can enable you to open each chakra, expand your PEF and hold the intention of contacting your Soul. A meditation that is not focused can be one where you might space out without any direction or intention. It is imperative to have a strong, clear intention to connect with your Soul.

Your intention will direct your energy to contact the Soul level. A daily focused meditation to connect to your Soul builds your spiritual strength and clarity of purpose. In addition, it calms your mind, relaxes your body, and steadies your emotions. This state prepares you to interact more clearly with your Soul. When you are calm, it is easier to sense the connection with your Soul and to enable meaningful interactions.

Consider your actual physical space first. Find a quiet, uncluttered area in your home, the woods or a sanctuary where you can sit comfortably. You could set aside a room in your home reserved for meditation or create a special section in a room. If you reserve an area specifically for your meditation practice, you accrue beautiful energy there, which strengthens each time you practice.

— Let’s begin the focused meditation. Bring your awareness to the midpoint in your body and imagine a central passageway that goes straight through the center of your physical form—your Line of Purpose (LOP). This passageway allows light and energy to move through it, easily and effortlessly. Take slow, deep breaths and notice that inner passageway inside of you. This is your LOP—how your soul interacts with you.

Now Archangel Michael is going to come directly to you. Here are his directions:

As I work with this passageway, you will experience a deepening connection to your Soul’s energy. Again, stay relaxed and peaceful, and receive what I am about to give you as you notice. Stay relaxed and calm.

I will speak with you as I do this energy work. Your Soul is the activating factor in this lifetime for you. It has chosen this incarnation; it has chosen what issues you will work through; it has chosen people that you will meet and respond to in your life. It has given you the breath of life, bringing spirit into physical form, and has helped you to manifest yourself on the earth now. Your reasons for incarnating can be accessed through this passageway deep inside of you.

Take time to sense your Soul’s energy. Notice if there is anything you receive as guidance from your Soul…