When I finished writing these ethereally delivered words, I read them over and over again. Every word and every meaning found a safe place in my soul. This angel of mine was truly with me, within me, and around me. My heartfelt full with light and love. I felt supported and guided.
Because of this experience, my awareness was roused. The door to my consciousness cracked open even further—its flame burned
steady in my mind. I was just thoughts away from changing my life. My path was clear, and I stood still upon it, poised and ready for the gentle wisdom to find its way to me. I moved forward manifesting and emanating the love and grace that was bestowed upon me. In my awareness, I came back to my true self. I saw the heartache for what it honestly was and I embraced the lessons.
There are surface reasons that caused this friendship to end, but I choose to focus on the deeper wisdom. From each season of our lives comes growth, just as in the natural world. Friendships and other relationships sometimes shift. In the realignment, these relationships looked and felt very different. I began to love these friends from a distance. I wanted to start the purification process and give these relationships the dignity they deserved. After all, they were a huge part of my life for more than twenty of my (then) fifty-six years. I set the bad memories free.
Moving forward with my family, I decided to occupy a different space, other than the one I had unconsciously settled into for so many years. The space had to be sacred; I had to be stronger than I was. And in this strength and peace, I knew I would emerge more composed and resolute.
I would respect the differences in our journeys. I would respect the difference of our places in time. I felt a welcoming space for new friends. I felt love for the friends that I moved on from, and was able to love them for everything that they taught me. I saw that there were so many redeeming qualities in each of these friends, and we had made so many joyous memories. I felt the beginning of my life. I felt love all around me, although not in all of the usual places. My heart was now clear and open and filled with the beautiful love that had held me through the storm, and it was time for me to reciprocate by sending the love out into the world.