Linda Hogan


This is a passage from a delightful book that shares timeless wisdom: “Envision Your Extraordinary Life: Living Happy, Joyous, and Free” by Linda Hogan


 — Take a deep breath and allow yourself to relax. Take another deep breath and allow yourself to relax. Another breath and you become more and more relaxed. Allow yourself to be as you are. There is no right or wrong way to be. Today, we are going on a sacred journey. Take a deep breath, breathing in joy and light. Release any remaining negative emotions. Center yourself in the power, love, and wisdom of God. Sink down deeply to your center, your soul. Know that you are a whole spiritual being filled with love and light. Trust the process.

You are outside in the sunlight, following a path. Feel the sun at the top of your head and allow it to warm you. Notice a gently rolling hill with wide steps along the path. There are 10 steps and you are on the top, the tenth. With each step, you will become more and more relaxed. 9, 8, you go deeper and more relaxed, and your arms are feeling very heavy. 7, 6, allow your neck and face to relax, on the next step—5, your back and abdomen become more relaxed, 3, your legs feel heavy and deeply relaxed, 2, 1, you are alert yet relaxed, and you are open to possibilities ...

You continue along the path and notice a waterfall. It is a hot day, so you walk behind it, feeling the refreshing spray. The water washes over you, washing away all limitations, rinsing away all doubt, anger, fear of lack. All negativity simply dissolves ... Release anything else you no longer need ... You feel renewed and experience a new sense of possibility, wonder, abundance, love, and forgiveness.

Continue along the path feeling the golden sunshine drying you, warming you, healing you. The path bends and you continue to follow. See a door. This is the door of possibilities, possibilities for your future. Open the door and walk in. Your heart opens and love shines all around you. The deepest longing of your heart has been fulfilled. It is now five years in the future, and you see how many of your dreams have been realized. You have been renewed and have an extraordinary life filled with joy. You embrace your wholeness and see abundance everywhere. See your relationships with your loved ones and some of the connections you have made...

You are loveable and see the highest in everyone you meet. See your friends and some of the things you have enjoyed together.

See one goal you feel especially good about completing ... See the abundance in your life’s work ... Experience the positive emotions of fulfillment, gratitude, and so on ... Notice the things you have been able to do or buy due to your financial success ...

Your health and fitness have been much improved ... You move fluidly, lightly, gracefully, wearing life like a loose garment ... See yourself and feel how it feels to be fit and strong ...

Spiritually, you have grown ... Notice what that looks and feels like...

Emotionally, you have grown ... Experience how that feels ...

Mentally, you have learned much...Take stock of those things you have learned ... You have developed more healthy habits ... See yourself go about your ideal day ... will pause and let you envision your day from the time you wake up ... Your morning ...

Your afternoon ... Your evening .... Imagine your day in vivid color and strong positive emotions. Envision yourself happy, joyous, and free ... Take some moments to thoroughly enjoy this day.

Take a moment to review all the positive things from this mediation and know that it has already happened. Express gratitude for all you are welcoming into your life. Allow any thoughts, feelings, or pictures to emerge ... Whatever you experience is right for you.

Know that you can return to this space anytime. When you are ready, it is time to return to the room. Let’s follow the path back to the stairs. Imagine climbing up the steps to the here and now. 1, 2, 3, become more alert, 4, 5, 6, hear my voice, feel the chair ... 7, 8, 9 ... wiggle your fingers and toes, 10, gently and gradually open your eyes…