Maureen Scanlon



Here is one of my favorite passages in “My Dog is More Enlightened Than I Am” by Maureen Scanlon:


A common thread among humans: to fight for what is right! The only problem is that what is right for me is not necessarily right for you. Herein lies the rub, trying to convince each other that our view is the right one. What we believe is right comes directly from our values—the deepest level of our subconscious programming.

This is how we spend our thoughts and how we evaluate our thoughts. It is also from our perception and experience up to the minute. Perception is the interpretation of our experiences, which are always subjective and never objective.

Our experiences are processed three ways: through deletion (leaving out details that are irrelevant), distortion (seeing through our belief system), and generalization (categorizing).

In the teachings of Abraham Hicks, Esther Hicks states that our connection to our higher (spiritual) self is strongest when we arrive in our physical bodies. That means we haven’t “forgotten” who we really are.

The difficulty is holding on to that throughout our lifetime. Through all of the difficulties, situations, and conflict, we are told, shown, and we witness that it’s easiest to comply since that makes those around us most happy. Then eventually we come to realize that we are not happy making others happy.

The need to separate yourself in a competitive way will keep you out of your own happiness. People will always try to get you to see things from their vantage point. This is an impossible task. We will never be able to see things from other’s views; we can only evaluate based on our separate, individual journeys.

When you are in alignment, there will be many around you who do not understand, who will feel that you represent who they are failing and how they are not in touch with who they really are. The beauty of this is if you are staying in your place of joy, those who are not will slowly fade or separate from you. The energy and vibration you are sending will be uncomfortable.

You will not rendezvous with negative thinkers unless you are one.” —Abraham Hicks

From this, there will be two different types of people: those who seek to remember who they really are and set out to find their happiness and pursue what feels good. And the others reprocess negative outcomes and feelings and stay stuck in a cycle of not knowing their true potential.