Mina Vo


These are some inspiring and insightful passages in “Start With Me! Who Am I?: Discovering Yourself With The Law Of Attraction.” by Mina Vo


— Knowing how the Law of Attraction works helped me comprehend how to live the life that I want to have and who I want to be. Before deciding on what I want and who I want to be, I have to know my purpose. Once I know my purpose, which is to influence and inspire others, it makes me conscious about who I am and what attitude I can take to become the person I want to be.

This takes time and consciousness (awareness) about my thinking, my attitude, or my mistakes. I function by default when I am not aware of my feelings. I go with my paradigm, with what has been programmed in me from zero to seven years old and beyond—what I have learned from my parents and my environment until now. I express it in my thoughts, feelings, and reactions. Since I think and react in a certain way, I attract the same thinking and reactions from others around me in that way. It’s the Law of Attraction. Since my thought is vibrational energy, it attracts the same energy that it finds in its environment regardless of the distance and pulls to me that same emotion.

If your purpose is to be one of the best accountants in your firm in order to serve your clients well, then it is to your advantage to put yourself in a high vibrational energy frequency of loving what you do and appreciating what you have, including people around you, right? If your thoughts always stay at that high frequency, it vibrates around you and attracts more of the same vibrational energy frequency (thought) in your environment, thus creating momentum or synergy.

But if your thought is in a lower vibrational energy frequency on the emotional scale, which is hate, frustration, doubt, sadness, and so on, then the Law of Attraction would bring to you more and more of those feelings from your environment, thus creating momentum and synergy with the same thought.

That’s why when you change your environment and are not conscious about changing yourself, you create the same situation as the previous one that you don’t like, and the cycle goes on. So, ask yourself, which one is easier to change? Changing your thinking and attitude? Or wanting your environment to change in order to cope with your thinking and attitude?

It is much easier to change yourself than to ask someone else to change for you. But how to change yourself? By being conscious of your feelings, emotions, and reactions.

You can change the world by changing yourself one step at a time. The easiest way to change yourself is by changing your perception rather than expecting people to change their perception of you.