These impurities drag our love down. In fact, they pull our love into common, conditional expressions. We will not be the first to apologize or the first to extend a hand because it is 'their fault' or 'they started it.' We will not be the first to forgive, because 'they do not deserve it.' 'I will not love him until he loves me, and if he stops loving me then I cannot love him.'
What a heaviness we can carry!!
Are there things in your past you wish you had done better? Or other things you’d like you had not done at all? Do you have a cupboard full of 'if- onlys' that haunt you? Do you think about your past or your current situation and have regrets? These are large, heavy anchors that we drag around with us. They stop us from gaining any traction in our spiritual evolution; they lessen our ability to grow and develop and above all, they dim our light.
Do you worry too much? Do you lie in bed worrying? Thinking about whether you have done the right thing, or paid your bills, or what you will do tomorrow and 'if only' this or that. All these are chains. Burdens.
Let them go – release them once and for good!
— You cannot control all the events of your life, but you can control your state of mind during them. It is your state of mind that determines your happiness, not the events of your life. You are the master of your happiness because you are the master of your state of mind - take control.
Our time is now at this moment. Our power is the infinite paradise within us. Our future is held within the realization of our highest and best way of being, anything that detracts from that are burdens…