Natali Brown


These are some inspiring and insightful passages in “Unapologetic: Shedding Inauthenticity To Become Uniquely You” by Natali Brown


— As each painful part fell away and other beautiful parts of my Soul returned, to awaken within me such a deep remembrance of my healing gifts and the power of my innate universal knowledge and connection with all that is, there was an intense outpouring of love that flowed from this crack.

The intensity and vastness of this love would often scare me and make my human side feel incredibly vulnerable.  It would sometimes make other people feel very uncomfortable too as it always came with a great big bag full of truth pouring from my lips in words and energy. 

Humans are scared to face their truth because the truth hurts, so they steered away from me or would often be nasty and venomous because they did not have the capacity to receive or could not comprehend this potent outpouring of love. 

Over the years I’ve helped and guided many lightworkers and light leaders to their truth, their gifts, soul mission, and purpose. I often guided them to where no one dares to go because sometimes you have to traverse the deepest and darkest spaces of pain and trauma and heal those parts of you first, so you can let the light come through you. 

Due to our upbringing and societal influences, we have been conditioned not to feel, not to be sensitive or show emotions, not to be too much, too powerful, too strong, too honest, too vulnerable, too feminine or too masculine. 

So often our dialogue with ourselves and each other is based on apologies and excuses.  Instead of saying Heck Yes to life! We often choose a more mediocre response because it’s too hard or too much or not perfect. We fluff our way through life and never really anchor our dreams and intentions. 

This world would be a very different place if we stop apologizing for hard things and take a stand for our yes and our no, take a stand for what we feel and what we want. Humans have been kept under this matrix of control and fear for too long and only the truth will set us free. We have to feel to heal.

I fought many of my own demons and battles—depression, anxiety, alcohol, sexual abuse—and did the inner work and healing to peel away my own untruths. I’ve been hurt by people I trusted so deeply, because they were hurting too. I know this now and hold no grudges. I only have love for this crazy life we get to live. The good, the bad and the ugly. I didn’t want to give up on people, I didn’t want to think the worst of them so this love within me turned to passion and passion turned into helping those who were stuck but who knew that their soul was calling them to be more, to rise beyond fear into their next level greatness. Through healing each of my clients I healed a part of myself too. We would cry together and laugh together. In their eyes, I would see myself. After all, we are all connected.  I will never regret any of my experiences and am so incredibly grateful for each beautiful soul I get to meet. When we come together and see each other, really see each other and support each other we can move mountains.

My wish is that we can live life without any regrets but turn our experiences into powerful catalysts for change to create a world that we are all proud of, a world where we won’t destroy each other and our planet but love and see each other’s truth and beauty.   world where we can co-create as sovereign beings living in harmony with our planet and all living beings. For this to happen, many structures within and without will fall away. It starts with a simple choice: “What do you want now?”  Because all that needs changing starts in the now, this present moment. 

Life is not meant to be mediocre, you are meant to express yourself as love through your experiences, your voice and your gifts.