Norman Plotkin


These are some inspiring and insightful passages in the book “Master Mind Master Life” by Norman Plotkin


— The first step toward change is to know yourself. Know you are human with very human attributes. And, like everyone else,  you will get caught in the feedback loop described above if you don’t make a conscious decision to define a vision for your life by overcoming the tendency to live on autopilot, which is a  collection of the same memorized behaviors you’ve carried out for most of your life. Part of this self-knowledge includes an understanding of the conscious and subconscious minds and the parts they play in our thoughts, actions, and behaviors.

Hypnotherapy can help us break the programming of old subconscious thinking habits that prevent us from making progress. Some of these programmed habits have names like fear of failure, being overly critical, or lacking confidence. Hypnotherapy can retrain the subconscious to stop these harmful habits and re-frame them in a more positive direction.  Even if you’re not a procrastinator, maybe you just don’t feel the motivation, drive, and ambition to reach your goals; hypnotherapy can help you, too. Like procrastination, a lack of motivation is caused by programmed subconscious thinking.  We might avoid a particular task because we’re overwhelmed, or we’re focused on how unpleasant the task will be, or the thing was cast in a negative light by someone in our sphere of influence when we were young. 

It is likely that we’ve trained our subconscious not to be a positive, encouraging supporter of our own endeavors. Instead, the subconscious, that inner voice in our heads, the keeper of our self-talk, becomes a bad influence, a detractor, telling us that we shouldn’t even try.  That’s where hypnotherapy becomes very useful. Using hypnotherapy, we can directly influence how the mind responds to adversity and transform it into a powerful ally, your cheerleader, motivating and encouraging you to forge ahead. Not feeling motivated doesn’t just affect small tasks, it affects work and relationships and, if left unaddressed, it can cause depression and anxiety over time. This is when a lack of motivation becomes problematic and exponentially more than just a question of motivation. At the very least, when lack of motivation tendencies are left unattended, they can develop into chronic motivation troubles.

Hypnotherapy can help you want to achieve success serving as a powerful motivator. Hypnotherapy can also help you feel a personal responsibility to get things done and reestablish a sense of drive, a powerful tool for keeping us motivated. The goal is to help reprogram the subconscious natural, automatic responses through more positive ways of dealing with issues.

This is an amazing time for hypnotherapy because there is finally enough technology, and science has advanced enough to be able to fully explain what is going on during trance. This will only grow and expand. The only thing lagging is the wide dissemination of information about hypnotherapy on a scale sufficient to inspire more people to adopt it into their lives. 

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool to help you achieve lasting change. When you address the long-held issues, when you overwrite the old programming, when you finally get to the root cause of what has been ailing/troubling/holding you back, you will feel like you got your life back.