— A limiting belief is something you believe you cannot do. Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, either way, you are right.” In order for you to create something, you must believe it is possible. If you do not believe you can do it, you will not be able to do it.
How do we change a limiting belief to an empowering one? That is easy. We get the new one into our minds the same way the old one got into our minds: we think the thought over and over. We have all heard the saying, “If you tell a lie enough, you will start to believe it.” This is because the new image rewrites the old one in the subconscious. The subconscious holds our beliefs, and it responds to repetition. We can do the exact same thing with our truths. Repeat them over and over. Your current limiting beliefs are the lies.
Another name I use for empowering beliefs is “my truth.” It is not something I learned from someone else without my filter. It is something I sought out. It is something that resonates deep inside my being. It brings me closer to source energy, to my higher self. It feels good and raises my vibration. When I stumble across these truths, the only way to describe them is a revelation. Maslov calls it “peak experiences.” The Buddhist term is “satori.” As A Course in Miracles states, “Revelation must be experienced to understand the feeling.
“Whenever you are working to manifest something, your desire and your belief need to be aligned. If you desire to be wealthy but have a belief that wealthy people are evil and keep poor people poor, you will have to first work on creating a new belief around wealth through repetition. In this example, it can be done by seeing all the good wealthy people do and visualizing that over and over until it sinks into the subconscious. Visualize how you would help others when you are wealthy.
Whenever you are working on your “Create Your Ideal Life Meditation” from “Part Three: Spirit”, you will feel discomfort if you are visualizing something that you want that conflicts with a belief you have. Write it down and work on creating a new belief through repetition. This can go for things like health, too. If you want to be healthy but truly do not believe you can be, you will want to work on the reasons why you can. Often, finding other people who have healed from something similar can help. The people who invented photographs, televisions, microwaves, lightbulbs, space crafts, and all the inventions in the world believed these impossible things were possible. They did not do it by focusing on what they did not want. They did not invent flying by focusing on falling. If they can do it, you can, too.