How long have they truly been on a path of moving forward since World War I, World War II, the Civil War, Vietnam, etc.? The answer is, “Since the beginning of time.” The frequency at this level (3D) is slow and heavy. It takes time for enlightenment. Enlightenment comes to those who persist even in their darkest hour.
They hold faith in something larger than themselves. When one holds faith in that thought, one continues to move forward. It’s when one stops believing one is better than what’s taking place in these dark moments that one stagnates. It’s in stagnation and disbelief that one remains in neutral, building heavy vibration frequency in and around themselves.
The way to move forward is through love. First and foremost, one must love the self before one can understand and love others. We’re certain many have heard the phrase, “Love thyself.” As we move on, we would like to discuss another topic: other beings.
— Love thyself.
— Be with the self.
— Happiness is yours if you wish for it.
— Much success is but only a thought away.
— I am all I need to be.
— Love is here to stay.
— Walk in the light.
— Listen and Love.