Here is one of my favorite passages in “Ancient Wisdom for Reality Creators” by Tony Samara.
The miracle of life and enjoying all its abundance leads humanity to a creative reflection that deepens our experience of this wondrous miracle. This miracle is so often forgotten because of the thoughts and feelings that well up and color the simplicity of each moment and its unique gifts. To savor these gifts it is essential to remember that our desires for more, or something different, or something special, is often camouflaging the very essence of what feeds our heart, what enriches our experience, what deepens our feelings and what centers our thinking back to a sense of gratitude and love. Live simply and appreciate this simplicity by appreciating what is, what you have and who you are, thus allowing this moment to be savored in its completeness. Let's live life rather than chase the idea of life!
How to touch and expand the joy that is our essence but that is often veiled by the mundane and its demands on our time?
Joy is not static, or a place, or even a goal but rather, like art and music, multi-faceted, uncontainable and expansive. The way to experience joy is unique to each individual, yet the core of joy is a shared experience that makes us human and part of an alive participating adventure. Simply put, joy is only understood through the expansion of consciousness. This is when we glimpse what it means to be expansive. Most of us, due to a thousand and one reasons, focus on the lacks, limitations and problems.
These lacks, limitations and problems are so real that they demand all of our attention and from this space we struggle to find the real joy of each moment. Many feel that by resolving what seems to be a block or hindrance for their expansion then expansion will happen miraculously. I see it differently.
What we want is what we need to be!
An oak tree starts as an acorn but it has no doubt that it will fulfil its destiny as a tree. Most of us don't even believe that possibilities and potential are real as our experience sabotages our expansion and holds us in the mud of daily living. The sky, the light, the beautiful stars seem to come from a different world and seem totally out of reach. This leads to depression as we no longer believe in our destiny or even see the light. One of the most important steps to reawaken who we really are is to be of service to humanity.
By being of service to humanity rather than to our perceived needs, we remember in our actions the true meaning of love. Love is expansive. As we expand with this service so does our focus expand, freeing our attachment to the mud, so that we are harmoniously in touch with the Universe. It is not a difficult journey if put into action, but it does seem impossible when one uses the present contracting situation as a limitation to what is possible, and hence why many of us are not able to expand.
I ask you strongly during these intense times not to focus on yourselves or your needs, or the problems, or the lack of joy, or what could be better. No matter how present they seem, please focus on what it means to serve others and as you begin to see the light in every being there is no doubt in my mind that the light within will help the acorn that is in each of us to reach up and open to this new and beautiful expansive experience and hence open up to the joy of life. This is what is asked of us during this special time. It is up to each of you to put this into practice rather than to just meditate upon the beauty of my words. The world needs more trees.