Recovery from Codependency – How I did It


Photographer - Founder of Be The Change Foundation.

Codependency and Happiness

“After a friend told me to read about codependency, I was awakened to my own accountability to the issues in my life and they began within myself. I started working on recovering from my lifelong codependency habits and mindsets that were holding not only myself back but also my husband, and I'm sure countless other relationships in my life.” - Brandy Angel 



What is codependency?

What is like to recover from co-dependency?

Why did it hurt to realize it was time to take care of yourself?

My conversation is with Brandy Angel.

Brandy is a photographer, a full-time mother who is also the creator of “Be The Change - Brandy Angel Foundation”, a foundation that is dedicated to being and inspiring positive change in the world.

In this episode, Brandy shares her story of co-pendency and how she found healing.

"We have the strength within to make any changes in our lives that we wish to make."

"It is so important to understand that you are responsible for your own happiness. Someone else's happiness has nothing to do with you."

"We are more than perfection."

To learn more about Brandy Angel, please visit: