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Coach, Speaker and Author.

Goodbye Anxiety — Hello Freedom

Stephanie Dalfonzo has danced with fear and anxiety all of her life. After a series of traumatic events that included her father’s death by suicide, and her husband’s life-threatening illness, Stephanie had the stark realization that something had to change and spent over 20 years researching holistic, natural, and scientifically proven ways to break free from the invisible bonds of anxiety, including: hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping, Neurolinguistics Programming, reiki, yoga and more.

Through coaching, speaking, and author of Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom, she has accumulated a scientifically spiritual toolbox that is intuitively incorporated into her work and her life.

Stephanie's journey has taken her through several career transitions from celebrity radio DJ, to the proprietor of a successful hypnosis practice for 10 years, ultimately, becoming an anxiety expert out of necessity and to date has helped 1000s of people from age 8 to 82 break free from the vise-like grip of anxiety and create life-changing and lasting changes that allow them to say Goodbye Anxiety, Hello Freedom.