Practicing Psychic Medium, Best-Selling Author And Speaker
Healing Conversation #327
— What happens to you when your body dies? What happens between lives? How do you gain closure after your loved ones pass? Are you searching for evidence of the spirit world?
Psychic medium and best-selling author Chris Lippincott shares the vast knowledge he has gained from years of study and hundreds of his mediumship readings and offers clear evidence that the spirit realm is much closer than we realize.
Chris shares his remarkable journey into mediumship, describes what the other side is like and offers remarkable readings and healing messages he has been privileged to convey that have been life-transforming for the recipients.
His inspiring work clearly describes that not only do we survive our physical death, but more importantly, that the bonds of love between the two worlds are eternal.
Valeria Teles interviews Chris Lippincott — the author of The Spirits Beside Us: Gain Healing And Comfort From Loved Ones In The Afterlife
Chris Lippincott is a practicing psychic medium and best-selling author whose evidential readings and unique information from spirit helps transform people's lives. Through his mediumship, Chris provides comfort, healing, and knowledge that our loved ones in spirit are alive and well and still care about us. Chris has trained with some of the world's most well-respected mediums including James Van Praagh, Tony Stockwell, Martin Twycross, Rev. Janet Nohavec, Andy Byng, Joseph Siegel and Lee VanZyl.
Chris discovered that his passion is providing comfort, healing and the knowledge that our loved ones in spirit are alive and well and still care about us.
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life to the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.