How To Envision Amazing Possibilities

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Founder of The Forte Factor, Coach, Educator, and Author


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How do we see things differently, clearer, better? How do we approach a new year with resilience, courage and a commitment not to compare ourselves to others, but to compare ourselves to our potential? How can we envision a day, week, a month, a year and a life of amazing possibilities, opportunities and lessons that help us be our best? How can focus and create our dreams, then make progress on achieving them? All of this is our work to do if we want to have a most amazing life. And the starting point is to get clear. ~ Jay Forte

This episode is about clarity, vision, amazing possibilities and beyond … and will be listening to Jay Forte, a certified professional coach, author and educator specializing in maximizing performance and potential.

Jay founded The Forte Factor to provide talent, strength-based and mindfulness tools to enable anyone to discover, develop and live what is best in them. Jay’s unique mindfulness approach to coaching empowers his clients to achieve exceptional personal and professional results.

Jay is the author of Fire Up! Your Employees and Smoke Your Competition and The Greatness Zone – Know Yourself, Find Your Fit, Transform the World. He was also the host of The Greatness Zone and Get Your Kids Ready For Life podcasts.


To learn more about Jay Forte please visit his website: https://thefortefactor.com/

For Intro-Free episodes: https://www.patreon.com/aquestforwellbeingpodcast

Podcast Page: https://fitforjoy.org/podcast


Jay Forte is a certified professional coach, author and educator specializing in maximizing performance and potential. Jay founded The Forte Factor to provide talent, strength-based and mindfulness tools to enable anyone to discover, develop and live what is best in them. Jay’s unique mindfulness approach to coaching empowers his clients to achieve exceptional personal and professional results.

Jay is the author of Fire Up! Your Employees and Smoke Your Competition and The Greatness Zone – Know Yourself, Find Your Fit, Transform the World. He was also the host of The Greatness Zone and Get Your Kids Ready For Life podcasts.

Leaving his initial financial executive career to follow his passion to advance the performance all employees, Jay became a corporate educator, working with organizations to activate and inspire employees at all levels to discover, develop and live their personal and professional potential. From there, he advanced to his current role as a professional coach where he coaches and trains leaders, managers and parents in how to coach to bring out the best in themselves and in others.  

When not helping people live their Forte Factor, he writes, gardens, cooks (as any good Italian) and spends time with his three adult daughters and two grandsons. He lives in Fort Lauderdale, FL.