Dr. Brad Nelson

How to Heal Trapped Emotions


Author of the Emotion Code, Veteran Holistic Physician, Expert in the Emerging Fields of Bioenergetic Medicine and Energy Psychology


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Where would you be without your emotions? If the sum total of all your experiences makes up the tapestry of your life, it is the emotions you have experienced that give that tapestry its color.

Our emotions really do give color to our lives. Try to imagine for a moment a world where no emotions could occur. No joy would be possible. No feelings of happiness, bliss, charity or kindness. No love would be felt, no positive emotions of any kind.

On this imaginary emotionless planet, there would be no negative emotions either. No sorrow, no anger, no feelings of depression, and no grief. To live on such a planet would be to merely exist. With no ability to feel emotions of any kind, life would be reduced to a gray, mechanical ritual from cradle to grave. Be grateful that you can feel emotions!

But are there emotions you have experienced that you would rather not have felt? If you are like most people, your life has had its darker times.

What you may not realize is that some of the negative emotions you’ve experienced, even though you may have felt them long ago, may still be creating problems for you in subtle, yet very damaging ways. The Emotion Code is about finding those old emotions and releasing them forever. ~ Dr. Brad Nelson 

In this episode, Dr. Brad Nelson reveals how we can heal trapped, negative emotions.

Dr. Bradley is a Veteran holistic physician. He is one of the world’s foremost experts in the emerging fields of Bioenergetic Medicine and Energy Psychology. Dr. Brad has certified thousands of practitioners worldwide to help people overcome unresolved anger, depression, anxiety, loneliness and other negative emotions and the physical symptoms associated them. His bestselling book, "The Emotion Code," provides step-by-step instructions for working with the body's healing power.

Dr. Brad spends his time lecturing internationally, writing articles, and developing the next iteration of The Emotion Code (The Body Code) and credential programs for The Emotion Code and The Body Code practitioners.

To learn more about Dr. Brad Nelson please visit his website www.emotioncodegift.com

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