Body Image: The Picture We Don’t See

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Writer and Personal Trainer


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Vanessa Delgado says that people fail to realize the in between of the pictures. The bad day’s that may well can last for day’s, weeks or even months on end. The time including years of effort, consistency, frustration that involve tears, failures, successes, and hardships. All the boring stuff that magazines don’t sell, diet books that miss this topic, coaching programs being sold that lie. All the unsexy stuff not shown on social media. The day-to-day grind.

Being in a time where cosmetic surgery minor or major, common or not common, people often slap a transformation on their pictures while making people believe it was done naturally.

A picture cannot capture behind the scenes of everything behind the time frame one often places on the pictures or captions. The common belief of things being a lot more simple than it actually is.

The magic happens in the hardest part of it all. When you say no to certain foods, when you have to remind yourself daily of why and to do it. Really I can give you a whole long list of what really happens. Although this isn’t a post about that, rather the whole idea.

These pictures glorify dramatic changes or weight loss, rather than at least including health. Often times people are only looking at the “the bigger the number the better” let’s not forget if it was done in a crazy unrealistic time frame. No one really looks at the healing of your health inside and out.

Valeria Teles interviews Vanessa Delgado. She is a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer and work with clients online. She focus on helping people get started on their fitness and health journey (lifestyle coaching). Vanessa began her journey six years ago when she decided she needed to make a change in her life. She was at a point where her had gained weight, feeling depressed and felt unhealthy and scared because a lot of unhealthy diseases run in her family. Vanessa had no knowledge on nutrition or training, and had never dieted but she didn’t let that stop her from making changes. 

Throughout her journey, she went through many changes and obstacles such as body dysmorphia, under eating, bulking, extreme dieting, amenorrhea, disordered eating, and dealing with comparison from Instagram influencers and bodybuilders, etc. Through trial and error, she became passionate to learn to overcome the obstacles she faced, and although she made a lot of progress and learned a lot, Vanessa still had trouble knowing what balanced was or looked like. It wasn’t until she started going to Therapy where she really reached a point where she learned a lot of what was missing and the source of unhealed wounds. As she began to work through those, the feeling of not doing or being enough, the perfectionism that showed up in her fitness and health lifestyle really began to come together and make sense and lead her to find the permission she needed to have healthy balance lifestyle. 


To learn more about Vanessa Delgado, please visit her website

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** Bio intro and outro one by Heidi Lynn Peters.