Leading by the Fruit of The Spirit

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Author, Business Coach, Leadership Consultant And Motivational Speaker

Episode #144

Some say that the hardest thing to manage is people. Jan McDonald has found that the hardest thing to manage is ourselves. She says: If I can’t lead myself, how can I lead others?

The best leaders lead by example, modeling the behavior they desire to see in others. Jan can’t think of better characteristics to model than the Fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22; Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control. Unfortunately, if we are not walking with the Spirit, we can be judgmental, selfish, impatient, controlling, petty, and snippy.

A leadership law of magnetism reminds us that we don’t attract who we want, we attract who we are. This should focus our attention on the characteristics we exhibit, so we can attract a higher quality of people into our lives. It’s important that we ask ourselves, “Who do we attract into our lives and organizations?” and, more importantly, “What are we modeling for our children and the teams we lead?”

If we choose, moment by moment, to walk with the Spirit, we can override our negative characteristics.

Leadership is influence. We may not want or intend to lead, but every conversation or interaction we have with others is an attempt at influence. Think about it. As parents, we ask our children to make their beds, stand up straight and use manners—that’s influence. We encourage them to choose friends that add value to their lives because there are certain “friends” that may negatively influence them. As leaders, we ask our team members to problem solve and take initiative – that’s influence. We encourage them to collaborate with other hard-workers to achieve more. Regardless of role, all of us are influencing all the time.

In this episode, Valeria Teles interviews Jan McDonald, the author of the book Fruitful Leadership: Leading by the Fruit of The Spirit.

Jan McDonald is certified by the premier John Maxwell Team as a business coach, leadership consultant and motivational speaker. Her highest objective is to empower and energize others to achieve their greatness that lives within. Sober for 30 years, there isn't a limiting belief that she can't help you overcome. Her transparency about her life and struggles will show you that, yes, you can transform your life, too!

To learn more about Jan McDonald please visit her website: www.johncmaxwellgroup.com/janmcdonald

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Podcast Page: https://fitforjoy.org/podcast


** Bio intro and outro one by Heidi Lynn Peters.