Intuitive Healing And Joy

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Gifted medical intuitive and trauma remover, Spontaneous medium, Spiritual healer, Physician innovator, Author and Motivational Speaker

Healing Conversation #218

Also, Watch The Insightful Video Below:

We are all on a spiritual journey. To Dr. Carolle Jean-Murat, admitting you have a soul and then taking care of it leads to spiritual health. How do you take care of it? Find whatever you call a higher power, and lay your ego at its feet. This will free your soul and allow you to have faith and trust in something bigger than yourself. It will give you a broader perspective on life and the lessons we are here to learn.

Having faith, as well as learning how to take care of yourself, having healthy boundaries in all areas of your life, practicing forgiveness, giving from your heart, and having a connection with nature will lighten your stress, your sorrows, and your heart.

Put some time aside each day to pray, read a good book, or study your favorite scripture. These days, family members do not spend time together and are separated by TV, computers, video games, smartphones, and social media. When possible, pray with family members. It has been proven to be beneficial for all involved. Family members who pray together tend to communicate with each other better and have the ability to resolve small issues before they take on a life of their own.

Be grateful for everything that happens to you because these experiences, good or bad, happen for a reason and teach you something. Upon awaking every morning, give thanks for being alive. This planet is a huge schoolroom—anything that happens can be transformed into something positive by your spiritual beliefs, thoughts, and deeds.

Know deep in your heart that you will be taken care of, no matter what.

Dr. Carolle no longer fret about what should or should not be happening. She knows that all things unfold in divine order, that adversities are lessons she is supposed to learn for her own good, and you do not always get what you ask for when you ask for it.

That morning in November 2014 when she awoke totally healed after surrendering control and asking God for help has really deepened her faith. Dr. Carolle truly knows in her heart that regardless of the adversity, with faith she will overcome it.

Believe, surrender, trust, and always have faith.

— Valeria interviews Dr. Carolle Jean-Murat, the author of Heal Your Life: 25 Ways to Unleash Your Innate Healing Powers by Finding Your Purpose and Connecting With a Higher Power.

Dr. Carolle Jean-Murat, MD, FACOG is a board-certified OB-GYN, and a primary care specialist. Born and raised in Haiti, she comes from a family of healers, shamans, herbalists, and midwives. She was educated in top universities in Haiti, Mexico, Jamaica, and the US, giving her a broad-spectrum approach to medicine and invaluable multicultural knowledge.

She had a successful private practice in San Diego, California from 1982 to 2005.She is a gifted medical intuitive and spiritual healer who has helped thousands over the past four decades from all walks of life. In 2000 Dr. Carolle suffered severe burnout and had to re-invent herself.

She has worked with under-privileged patients in dire conditions, even performing surgeries by flashlight in Haiti. She has also practiced medicine in highly acclaimed, technologically advanced hospitals in the U.S., helping thousands of men and women, including wounded warriors suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and military sexual trauma (MST).

In 2005, she closed her private practice in San Diego because she could no longer fit into a prescription-writing, bottom-line-oriented medical system that did not allow time and resources for doctors to properly care for patients as whole human beings. She would not compromise.

Her dream was to continue treating and healing patients, using her own ideals. She created the Dr. Carolle’s Healing Sanctuary of San Diego, where those who were ill or suffering could spend as much time as they needed with her.

Fluent in five languages, Dr. Carolle combines her scientific knowledge with her extraordinary gift of intuition and clairvoyance to help those who are ready to heal. Her process helps to discover the root cause of patients’ symptoms and teaches them how to use this information to begin the healing process. With faith and caring she guides patients and shows them their strengths, teaches them how to let go, and simultaneously helps them overcome the obstacles that have prevented them from being their best self. Her website is drcarolle.com.

To learn more about Dr. Carolle Jean-Murat and her work please visit: https://www.drcarolle.com/

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