Waking Up To Our Potential

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International Healer, Intuitive And Medium Consultant

Healing Conversation #216

Also, Watch The Insightful Video Below:

Valeria interviews Jessica Keats, the author of

“Flow: The Beginning Is Upon Us.”

The premise of her book is a time far, far away. A time when life was much simpler and the process of life was easy. We are currently experiencing moments where we briefly remember this time and then the cloud of what life has become is rolled over us again. It is a time period we are beginning to know could be possible for our future.

There was a time, a time when the world was in Flow. We were at the height of who we are as a creation. The universe surrounded us, held us and together we moved forward. This time period was built on Flow and each of us lived our daily lives in Flow. We listened to guidance and followed that guidance precisely. There was great abundance and everyone had what was meant for them. We worked from a place of purpose and accomplished amazing things together and on our own. In fact, we were so much a part of Flow it became a part of us and there was no way to distinguish the difference. We were Flow and Flow was us and because of this we experienced true ecstasy.

A change occurred. We got caught and the ease of Flow broke. Once it broke it continued to break and we slowly but surely fell out of Flow and into Struggle. Struggle, figuring it out on our own, making it work, working hard, pushing forward. The ease was gone and the Struggle began and we quickly forgot about Flow. Generation after generation was born and each remembered less and less about Flow and about our true way of existence.

Jessica’s book is a gift to help us remember. A gift to help us find Flow again. A gift to wake us up to our potential and to lessen the fear and misunderstanding we have created.

Jessica Keats is an International Healer, Intuitive and Medium consulting with individuals and businesses to increase and maximize their potential.

Known for her ability to make profound change in a person’s mind, body and soul within 2-3 sessions, Jessica is renowned for healing limiting beliefs, fears and past traumas so her clients improve physically and emotionally while reaching new heights professionally. Her profound abilities of Healing, Intuition and Strategy make her the best-known Secret Weapon behind the success of powerful people, entrepreneurs and professionals.

To learn more about Jessica Keats and her work, please visit: