Well-being Through Mindfulness & Resilience

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Keynote Speaker and Workshop Leader

Healing Conversation #244

Growth comes from letting go of what is not you. So much of what you seek can be acquired by actively removing those things that no longer serve you.

Are you mindful of what keeps you anchored in your past? Are you resilient to life, so you can continue to be you regardless of what is happening?

Happiness comes from peace. Bliss and joy come from being who you are. If you want to float in the joy of life, cut away those things that weigh you down. By weeding your garden, you’ll find the flowers that were always there. – says Alfred Ricci

Valeria interviews Alfred.

Rising from the ashes and harnessing the power of his early years — living in shelters, a group home, and a foster home while attending six high schools in four years — Alfred Ricci knows how even the most daunting obstacles can be overcome.

Alfred made a conscious choice not to let his past dictate who he became. A double major in economics and business led to a MBA from the University of California and a career in international banking. Alfred used mindfulness and resilience practices to conquer suicidal thoughts while managing the massive stress of corporate work in over 20 countries. His mission is to share the necessary skills to thrive in traumatic work environments.

Alfred Ricci has 10+ years of teaching personal development workshops, including methods to release severe stress.

To learn more about Alfred Ricci and his work please visit:

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— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life to the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.