Intuition Awakening
Mind Body Spirit Expert, Internationally Recognized Ted X Speaker, Life Coach, Author And Healer
Healing Conversation #501
Also, Watch The Insightful Video Below:
— “The most powerful step you can take on your path to intuition is acknowledging and claiming your uniqueness.”
Our intuition is what makes all of us, including you, psychic, but frequently, we don't get taught how to use our intuition. Intuition is just another word to describe an inner knowing that gives us information about this world and ourselves. Despite popular belief and Hollywood portrayal, being psychic doesn’t look a certain way — doctors are psychic, lawyers are psychic, moms are psychic, children are psychic. Maybe you've already known you're psychic, or maybe this is news to you. Either way, it’s never too late to learn how to use your psychic abilities, and it is important—now more than ever—that you learn to use them because they can change the trajectory of this planet and your life. Throughout this book, we will discover our psychic talents and learn how to use them in our everyday lives. When we harness the power of our intuition, there's no limit to what we can do and create.
Valeria Teles interviews Dr. Divi Chandna — the author of “You Don’t Look Psychic: Your Essential Guide to Tapping into your Natural Powers.”
Dr Divi Chandna is an internationally recognized speaker and expert in Mind Body Spirit Medicine. She is a family physician turned intuitive coach. After graduating, she started to understand that health had everything to do with emotions and the mind. Dr. Divi shifted from Western Medicine to Intuitive Medicine and now uses her intuitive gifts to help people self-heal and expand. She coaches clients on health, relationships, money & more! Dr. Divi also teaches many on-line classes, teaching people to tap into their own intuition, create greater happiness and living their highest truth. She believes that our highest state of wellness lies in our connection with our true Selves, our intuition, our innate knowing and us living our authentic life. Dr. Divi is a celebrated author, media guest and Ted X speaker.
To learn more about Divi Chandna and her work, please visit:
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.