Inner Wealth, Better Health & Deeper Purpose

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Best-Selling Author, Transformational Speaker, And Re-Alignment Life Coach

Healing Conversation #656

— “The darkness called me in. “Come and sit here in your body. Be in this space.” I had been successfully living in the tower of my mind for so much of my life and now was the time to move into the home of my body and welcome it’s wisdom to deeply heal.”

Where in your life are you able to harvest the gold in your moments of darkness? The gold that shows up as wisdom, trust, and self-compassion? How can you use your life experiences as stepping-stones to your growth, your strength, and your full potential? What hunger lies inside you, veiled by unexpressed emotions, that has the potential to become your birthplace for transformation? Through it all, can you wrap your gold in your loving presence to allow your life to thrive with clarity, meaning, deep reverence and joy.

Valeria Teles interviews Diana Lockett — a Best-Selling Author, Transformational Speaker, And Re-Alignment Life Coach. She is the co-author of Ignite Possibilities.

Diana is a visionary heart leader with a gift for awakening high achieving women to realign and create inner wealth, better health and a deeper purpose in their lives. Through her transformational coaching, she helps her clients to unwind their nervous system and trust in the perfection of their lives as they return to their own authentic loving states of joy. Once they can move beyond their conditioning, their tension and their limiting beliefs, they begin to relax into the perfection of their lives and go from a state of trying to survive to one where they truly can "Re-Align to Thrive™.

To learn more about Diana Lockett and her work, please visit: https://www.dianalockett.com/



— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.