Connecting Children To Their Inner World
Founder Of Dancing Jaguar's Spirit Camp And Speaker
Healing Conversation #640
— Dancing Jaguar’s Spirit Camp was created to help children connect to their inner world. By doing that, children start learning at an incredibly young age that, as human beings, we are made up of mind, body, and spirit. And all three of those aspects need to be nurtured and cared for so we can grow up to become healthy adults. By doing this work with children, Eva Goulette feels that there will be a shift in child development. This is an element of child development that we have not seen that much because there is so much focus on children’s minds and bodies, and until very recently, not much focus on nurturing the essence of who they are. It’s amazing to see the incredible impact Spirit Camp has on the lives on children. All of a sudden, they are learning that there is a whole world inside of them that they can connect with and help keep themselves healthy and whole.
Eva feels hopeful that we are creating a global movement that is empowering children with a knowledge that has not typically been shared with them. It is our hope that they will grow into adults who possess a level of self-awareness that will bring in a new level of compassion and respect for themselves, their families, the communities, and the world. The world is ready, and the children are waiting.
Valeria Teles interviews Eva Goulette — the author of “Soul Mission: Leaders Ushering in the New Earth.”
Eva Goulette is the founder of Dancing Jaguar's Spirit Camp, a program created to teach children the importance of balance between mind, body, and spirit. To reach as many children as possible, Eva shares her specialized Spirit Camp curriculum with adults through her Spirit Camp Teacher Training Program. Her mission is to empower and inspire the children of today so they can create the world of tomorrow, a world where all of us will thrive. She loves seeing children connect to their inner wisdom, as they discover they're connected to All That Is. Her love of children and spiritual modalities combine to empower children with hands-on training to become peaceful warriors raising the vibration and consciousness of our planet. Eva believes the children are the ones ushering in the new Earth ~ she is simply providing the roadmap that enables them to discover their authentic self and to let their spirits soar.
To learn more about Eva Goulette and her work, please visit:
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.