Love Yourself & Watch The Magic Unfolds
Happiness Expert, Energy Healer, Enneagram Coach, Writer, And Speaker
Healing Conversation #645
Also, Watch The Insightful Video Below:
— “When you love yourself, magic happens, and the world responds.”
Valeria Teles interviews Heather Kokx — a Happiness Expert, Energy Healer, Enneagram Coach, Writer, And Speaker
In her 20s, Heather Kokx had depression, no passion in her life, and didn’t believe she really mattered. Struggling to find some purpose in her life, Heather went to massage school. This is where her healing journey began. And this is where her journey as a healer began. In massage school, Heather experienced self-discovery that led her toward more self-awareness and self-love. She also discovered her intuition and sensitivity to energy.
After massage school, Heather mentored with an Energy Healing. She learned to use her intuition to help others remove negative beliefs and patterns from their energy field so that they could move forward with a clear view. She also learned meditation starting a lifelong love for this powerful practice that was accessible to everyone.
For 20 years, Heather Kokx practiced massage and energy healing, helping her clients find healing and happiness, while at the same time continuing her own journey of healing.
Wanting to move away from massage, Heather became a certified yoga instructor. Her intuition and sensitivity to energy helped her hold the room for her students and guide them to be more grounded, centered, and mindful.
Heather believes that happiness is possible for everyone, regardless of anything someone may think is holding them back.
Heather says, “You are not broken. Everything you need to find happiness is within you right now. It is just covered with all the gunk life throws at us. It is our job to uncover that gunk and let our light shine out for everyone to see. We are all unique. We were all put on this earth to share our unique and special light with others. The world needs you. Find your happiness and let your light shine.”
To learn more about Heather Kokx and her work, please visit:
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.