INTERNAL FAMILY SYSTEMS: Become Aware Of The Roles You Play
Life Coach, Host And Producer Of Family Today TV Show, Author And Speaker
Healing Conversation #827
Families are our foundation of being. Maria Mirkovich noticed that dysfunctions begin with family life. Everything starts with our programming with parents and relatives. When children start having trouble, she looks at the family system and beliefs that the family holds. That was Maria’s purpose to name her show Family Today.
Valeria Teles interviews Maria Mirkovich - She is a Life Coach, Host and Producer of the Family Today TV Show, an Author, and a Speaker.
Maria is a Life Coach and has completed her certification for training. She earned the Inner Child Workshop certification in Arizona, and has also received certificate credits with John Bradshaw, a Relational Certification with Pia Melody and Terrance Real, Symposium at Princeton, attended workshops in South Hampton Symposium and trained with Peak Potentials
Maria works with a system that works with people’s life purpose. She is currently writing the book: Visions Of Medjugorge and it will be published soon. She wrote a poem, “Waves of the Ocean” in a book of poetry in 2001 and is in the midst of writing another book. Maria was born in Croatia and lived in Italy prior to arriving in the USA. Before hosting and producing her own show, she hosted Mondo Italiano TV where she translated the news from Italian to English. Later on, she had her own 20-minute segment. Maria was offered a cable tv show for a 1/2 hour. She became a host and producer of Family Today. She has many guests that appear on her show & mainly talk about family dynamics. On her live seminar, her guests were very distinguished people who offered their topics. This included Bob Proctor's representative (THE SECRET) and many other well-known teachers. Maria completed the Warriors training where she also participated in the Spiritual Sweat Lodge. As a shaman, she is named: LION DOVE.
To learn more about Maria Mirkovich and her work, please visit:
You can also contact Maria via email: or reach her via phone: 201-732-2780
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.