Releasing Yourself From Pain: The Magic Is Revealed
Registered Psychotherapist, Ayurvedic Counsellor, Yoga Instructor, Meditation Instructor and Speaker
Healing Conversation #1135
— “We, as individual human beings, have become our own teachers, our own gurus. We don’t need others to tell us our way. It is all within us. We have enough energy right now to access the wisdom we could never access before; to penetrate the darker parts of our humanity and reveal our truths within. That doesn’t mean we don’t seek support or information. When we are ready to see it in ourselves, we bring in the specific energy, the support, the frequency that we need in that moment. Allow the space and silence you generate on this journey to help you absorb these inarticulable concepts in your subtle body and in your intuitive Self. Often, the mind doesn’t quite know what to do with the new information, feelings, energies. Let go of time, deadlines, expectations, and goals. All those things will need to be released, anyway. The mind has its own time signature, which is connected to your egoic expectations, connected to your pain. By letting go of your mind’s expectations, you connect to your internal clock and the goals of your metaphysical Self. To release ourselves from pain defining our path, we unleash the magic within and reveal the magic without.”
Valeria interviews Antonia — She is the author of “Dismantling the 3rd Dimension: “Transforming our Trauma on the Road from Tribe to Collective.”
Antonia spent 20 years getting university degrees and trying to save the world in careers such as international development and community health. In 2006 she experienced a dramatic, spontaneous shift in realities that challenged everything she knew of the world and herself. For the next magical and 16 years she experienced an explosion of energy, eventually understanding she was in an accelerated awakening. She has spent nearly every day since then releasing emotional, physical, and energetic pain and letting go of what she thought defined a worthy life. As the suffering released, she accessed a higher truth about the purpose of pain: that it feeds our evolution, but only if we see it. She works with her clients psychotherapeutically and as a transmuter to help them see their pain versus be their pain, creating opportunities to release ancient pain programs through high frequencies of love and awareness. She is a registered psychotherapist, trained as an Ayurvedic counsellor, meditation instructor, and yoga instructor. She transmits energetically in session, while teaching, through silence and with the assistance of plant medicine.
To learn more about Antonia and her work, please visit:
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.