Love, Destiny & Trust: You Become Who You Choose To Be
Author and Speaker
Healing Conversation #1027
— The person you are destined to become is the one you choose to be. Chris was ten years old. He had no good looks, a loving family, or a bright future. While he wasn't able to create a life for himself, he did have the love of Danielle, who was the most beautiful girl he had ever known. He moved to Michigan with his mother to escape his abusive father. He was only able to leave Danielle with half of a heart-shaped pendant and a promise to one day return. To have any chance of getting her back, he had to end over one hundred years of abuse in his family, something his family claimed he was destined to carry on. Destiny Lives on Fairhaven Street is a touching multi-award-winning memoir from author C.J. Hudson of his eight-year journey of preparation to return to the love of his life. Written to his twin sons, his story is a testament to the power of devotion and proof that the life you've always wanted is possible if you never give up.