The Way Of The Heart: Wholeness Meeting Mysterious Others
Founder Of The Soul Covenant Organization, Author And Speaker
Healing Conversation #871
— Beyond simply meeting one another, most humans have made relationships a central focus of their lives. We all know that humans are fascinated by relationships. Human relationships are an inspiration for art, music, conversation, novels, movies, games, sports, ad infinitum. Our lives are essentially about relationships, whether it be business relationships, political relationships, familial relationships, social relationships, romantic relationships, friendships, and even adversarial relationships. Thus, the purpose of the universe, meeting mysterious others, fits the human experience particularly well. Relationships are possible based on the separation that is provided by human individuality. We must be separate from what we’re relating to. Therefore, some sort of separation is required for relationships to occur. The physical realm provides a setting that includes a physical separation between people. The space between one person and another provides the opportunity for us to relate to each other as separate individuals. Still, it’s an illusion. The deeper truth is that everything is part of a seamless whole. In spite of the seamless wholeness, each of us experiences being an individual human. Finding out how it feels to meet mysterious others is simple; we do it effortlessly. This is because each of us has been fashioned into individuals and placed among other separate individuals.
This makes us and our physical reality well-suited to accomplishing the goal of discovering how it feels to meet mysterious others.
– Passage in “The Magnificent Soul.”
Valeria Teles interviews George Chyz — the author of
“ My Open-Hearted Life: Opening to Love While Solving Life’s Greatest Mysteries and The Magnificent Soul: The Art of Living in a World Founded on Consciousness”
George has been following his inner guidance throughout his entire life. He received a master of science in mechanical engineering degree from MIT in 1985.
After choosing to step away from the hi-tech world and toward nature George bicycled around the USA for three years and then moved to Maui, Hawaii. There he delved into living close to nature while designing and building unique structures that fit the landscape and local weather conditions. His designs merged simple yet practical structures with the mild yet windy and rainy climate to create an indoor/outdoor experience.
Then, while living close to nature he delved deeper into his soul to uncover a novel three-part "Triality" of human consciousness that demystifies the source of intuition. He also discovered how opening and following the heart and opening to love are the keys to the happiness and genius that comes from our superconscious-Soul. Then having lived the way of the heart for decades, he sat down to share what he had discovered.
After 17 years of writing essays, booklets, and finally his well-documented book, The Magnificent Soul: The Art of Living in a World Founded on Consciousness, George brought forth a landmark work that may influence the way humanity views the human soul, consciousness, and the entire universe.
With a background of science, and a life filled with intuitive experiences, George has bridged the spiritual and scientific worlds in a new and fascinating way that turns reality right-side-up by placing consciousness at the foundation of the universe.
To assist people who are learning to open and follow their hearts George has been guided to found the Soul Covenant Organization. While the world appears to be growing more and more divisive, violent, and extreme, this organization endeavors to establish sanctuaries that will provide safe havens for open hearted people to follow the way of the heart with kindred souls.
The Soul Covenant Organization is just beginning. Hope this project will grow to become a global force for peace and prosperity for all.
Most recently, George has written an autobiography to share the exciting adventures and challenging hurdles he encountered while learning what he presented in his first book. The new book is entitled My Open Hearted Life: Opening to Love While Solving Life’s Greatest Mysteries. The end of this new book addresses the global upheaval by revealing deeper levels of science that have remained hidden to most people. It turns out, Mother Nature is wonderfully nurturing and cooperative while civilized humanity is awfully divisive. Regardless of the problems humanity is facing, George offers hope for a glorious resolution that will benefit everyone.
To learn more about George and his work, please visit:
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.