Your Natural State Is To Be Connected, Healthy, & Creative
Entrepreneur, Success Coach and Speaker
Healing Conversation #1107
— “Empower yourself by showing up in your truth, listening to your intuition, supporting your efforts and keep space open to learn, create, grow and thrive." - Jessica
Valeria interviews Jessica Armstrong — Her healing journey began after years of suffering from depression, she was completely at loss to what her purpose in this world was.
Jessica tends to place the start of her journey to when she took a solo sea kayaking trip in Alaska. This was the first time she truly connected to her inner self and listened to the part of her story she was meant to hear and one day... tell.
Jessica’s story showed that she had been following others' suggestions of the path she should take, her unique qualities were dismissed, and her creative, entrepreneurial side was not encouraged. She was at a breaking point, worried that there may be nothing more to her life, no passion.
Through hard work and saving, she managed to take this trip to Alaska, she needed to see the whales! This trip became her invitation to meet with herself in nature with peace and stillness away from the place where she only felt sadness. It was a make it or break it type of moment for her.
Jessica had to do some real soul searching. This was a transformative moment for her, an "AHA" that would forever change her life.
Part of deciding to heal and committing to the work, was knowing she would need therapy, coaching and other healing guidance if she wanted to truly see the "big vision" type of results. It takes a village to exceed to your highest potential, you need someone with the experience and skills to guide your evolution.
Through her mentors, she discovered tools, practices and organic developments that lead Jessica to where she is today. She knows now, her purpose is to use her story, intuition and processes to empower others on their own journey who need the right guidance to find their power and purpose as well as the tools for sustainability and growth!
To learn more about Jessica Armstrong and her work, please visit: and
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.