Growing The Planted Memory Of Our Nature Divinity
Systems Herbalist, Founder Of Greenfingers Herbal Medicine Clinic, Yoga Instructor, Poet, Author And Speaker
Healing Conversation #900
— According to Ayurveda, before the beginning, or what science calls The Big Bang there was Awareness of Oneness. Within the original Awareness of Oneness, arose a desire to experience itself that created Duality of Awareness or Experience. This Duality-Awareness of Experience created the energy of friction and the manifestation of Energy or Prana. Some of this manifested Energy condensed becoming matter. To understand matter, one needs to experience it, and so this trinity, Awareness, Experience, and Energy/Matter came into being, with the result, our physical universe with its diverse attributes.
Ayurveda is a vital science and art-healing system that provides guidance for living in harmony with our inner, microcosmic, and outer, macrocosmic, environments as well as other beings around us. Its way of teaching us is very poetic, because life is poetic, with much more going on between the lines and the wave particles of potential matter than is readily apparent by just the energy-material "facts" of the wave particles themselves. This is said with the understanding that our minds manufacture fact. ". . we develop the fact by giving it further order, form and structure.
Ayurveda is unique in that it clearly informs us how to live in harmony with Nature. It is the "wisdom of living." One may call it the original ecological worldview where the fundamental interdependence of all living systems is primary.
Ayurveda encompasses all aspects of life—our physical bodies, our thoughts and emotions, our spiritual connections, our relationships and inter-relationships to each other and the other living systems in our environment.
Ayurveda teaches us how to maintain a dynamic harmony with these concepts to maintain and regain our health.
Valeria Teles interviews Judyth Shamosh, Ph.D — the author of “The Physics & Poetry of Eastern Herbal Medicine: How Modern Physics Validates Eastern Medicine.”
Judyth is a Systems Herbalist who has been a clinical practitioner since 1994. Founder of Greenfingers Herbal Medicine Clinic, she practices Ayurvedic, Classical Chinese, and Western herbal medicines and teaches apprentices. She has served on the governing council of the American Herbalist’s Guild, Arizona Herb Association, and RainStar University College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and been adjunct faculty of the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. A yoga instructor and poet, she also was an assistant curator for the Phoenix Art Museum and worked in geology and archeology.
To learn more about Judyth Shamosh and her work, please visit:
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.