Change Your Energy — Change Your Life!
Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner, Certified Transformational Coach, And Speaker
Healing Conversation #865
Also, Watch The Insightful Video Below:
To learn more about Paige and her work, please visit:
— Energy Medicine helps rebalance the imbalances at the root of physical, emotional and mental issues, because the energy systems are foundational to our health on every level. Physical and emotional symptoms lessen greatly and often disappear completely as we peel away layers of traumas, emotions and limiting beliefs, allowing you to experience an increased level of wellness and vitality. These improvements are wonderful, but there is something else, something infinitely more beautiful, happening on a deeper level.
Paige Apgar has worked with clients for extended periods, she observed that as people release old patterns, and the stuck emotions around experiences that have shaped their perceptions of life and of themselves, many subtle foundational shifts take place simultaneously. The process can best be described as a gentle unfolding of the self, not unlike a flower that slowly opens to the sun, and reflects back the light that it absorbs.
As her clients move through this process of unfolding, they become more in touch with who they are at their core, more attuned to their own higher consciousness, and more at ease with themselves and with life. Peaks of joy are experienced, sometimes for the first time, and the little stresses of life don’t have as much impact. People who had once walked in with visible tension in their faces and their bodies move with a relaxed ease, and tension is replaced with smiles and laughter!
Valeria Teles interviews Paige Apgar — She is Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner, Certified Transformational Coach, And Speaker.
Paige Apgar has spent the past 24 years exploring healing and consciousness and how to fully align with soul-level expression.
Through her own extensive personal healing work and life transformation, she gained the experience and insights she now draws on in order to lead her clients along a path of deep healing that unblocks the flow of their soul’s desires.
Using a multi-faceted, co-creative energy healing process, Paige assists her clients in accessing their deepest healing, their highest wisdom, and opening to the fullest expression of their soul’s light.
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.