Paula Pister

Ayurveda & Self-Care: Basic, Simple, Natural Approach To Living

Ayurvedic Health And Life Coach, Yoga Teacher, Busy Mom And Speaker

Healing Conversation #1272

— Ayurveda may be the world's oldest continuously practiced health system, dating up to five thousand years ago Ayurveda can be loosely translated as the “science of life.” The word comes from combining "Ayur," meaning life, and "Veda,” meaning knowledge. So Ayurveda literally means "the knowledge of life" —  how to live in the best possible way. Ayurveda is a very basic, simple, natural approach to living. It is a beautiful combination of oral and written instruction, spirituality, philosophy, mythology, and scientific knowledge that has been around for over 5000 years.

It is rooted in the oldest spiritual texts of India called the Vedas. These texts (some of which date back to 450-1500 BCE.) are widely considered to be the most ancient science and address ALL aspects of healing and well-being for both body and mind.

Ayurveda, even though it originated in India, gained traction and prestige in Sri Lanka, China, Tibet, and Nepal, influencing these various philosophies and healing traditions. There was a point when Western medicine denounced Ayurveda as inferior when India was colonized. However, it continued to be practiced under the radar of colonists in rural areas and monasteries.

Ayurveda is making a huge comeback in India, North America, and other Western countries. We are now looking to combine the science and technology of traditional Western medicine with Ayurveda's holistic, preventative healing art. With the emphasis on prevention and empowering people to have more control over their health via the choices they make in their everyday lives, Ayurveda has become a holistic wellness system that is infiltrating the mainstream, unbeknownst to many. For instance, Kaizer Permanente is displaying billboards around LA referencing circadian rhythms - how crazy and fantastic is that? Costco did a 2-page layout last summer on  Ayurveda and holistic health. And yes.....they called it by its real name!

 Ayurveda and Self-Care go hand and hand!  

Valeria interviews Paula Pister  — She is an Ayurvedic Health and Life Coach, Yoga teacher, and busy mom.

Her journey began as a young model and actress, where she struggled with self-worth and body image issues. In her 20s, becoming a certified yoga teacher helped Paula appreciate and love her body more, leading her to explore Ayurveda, yoga's sister science.

Now, Paula teaches midlife women simple daily and seasonal self-care tools rooted in ancient wisdom and modern habit change science. She is a strong advocate for self-care, aiming to help women overcome the belief that prioritizing themselves is selfish or to feel “guilty about."

In Ayurveda, our energy reserves are called “Ojas." Paula emphasizes that without replenishment, this energy depletes, leaving women vulnerable to mental, emotional, and physical imbalances. Having experienced burnout herself, she understands the challenges faced by busy women juggling multiple responsibilities.

Growing up without positive self-care role models, Paula learned its importance later in life. Now in her 50s, she is committed to being an exemplary model for her children and helping other midlife women reshape outdated beliefs about self-care, listening to their intuition, and reclaiming control of habits that are life-depleting not life-enhancing. Because self-care does NOT come in a one-size-fits-all box, a bottle, or from Amazon. It takes committing to yourself and deeper desires, being gentle and kind to yourself, and understanding that this is a journey. Every step along the path is an opportunity for growth, deeper insight, and a chance to connect with your inner wisdom (which is ALWAYS guiding you.)

Paula stresses that self-care starts with self-worth, setting boundaries, and learning to say “No” (nicely and guilt-free). She believes this approach is not selfish but essential, as a healthy, vibrant, and happy individual is better equipped to care for others and show up in the world as your best and most vibrant self. 

To learn more about Paula Pister and her work, please visit:

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