Robin Aisha Landsong

From Trauma To Leadership In Social Equality

Transformational Speaker, Visionary Artist, Author, And Craniosacral Therapist

Healing Conversation #916

— “One of the great benefits of helping other people heal is that I get to witness the potency of compassion. A person shared with me a moment that had haunted her for decades. It was a circumstance where she was not able to help a vulnerable person she loved. Since trauma is not in the event, it is in the body until it is resolved, then it does not matter that this moment was over 40 years ago. She was endlessly looping in empathy, which is sensing the state of another. If the person we are sensing is in a state of distress then through our mirror neurons, we feel distressed. I suggested she move from empathy to compassion. Compassion is empathy + taking action to help (which can be sending our loving prayer). When we act from the desire to relieve suffering, we have moved from a passive state to an action state. The looping emotion was feeling helpless. I suggested, “Would you like to say the soothing prayer that you would have said to your person, had you been able to at the time, while I will sing caring to you.” I sang while she sent prayers of her love, reassurance, and kindness. The transformation was beyond what I had even hoped. She immediately had a new enlivening image of delivering her love. Taking this to the next level is delivering this love to ourselves. Can we include ourselves in the circle of people who need kind words? A self-critical voice is motivated by threat, a self-compassionate voice is motivated by safety. Pay attention to what is helpful. Organize your mind around compassionate self-talk and you will see benefits to your motivation and your physical health. It will ripple out and add warmth in your relationship. Feeling connected to ourselves opens the door to feeling connected to others. Connection is the thread that weaves social belonging. When we have walked the long road to feeling compassion and belonging in our body, we are ready to take our next steps that uplift human kindness. – writes Robin

Valeria Teles interviews Robin Aisha Landsong — the author of “Loving Bravely.” 

She is also a Transformational Speaker, Visionary Artist, Author, and Craniosacral Therapist.

During a death experience at eight years old, Robin was called back to life by the Medicine Song of her beloved African mother. Robin then became able to hear the Medicine Songs from the land and the song each person carries within.  She had a second death during the Rhodesian War in 1977. This opened her to become a Health Intuitive, and Medium. She has had the privilege to help over 14,000 people heal from trauma response, transform self-criticism into self-compassion, and cultivate ancestral healing. 

To learn more about Robin Aisha Landsong and her work, please visit:



— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.