Incorporating Mind, Body, Spirit In Our Healthcare
Founder Of Rayzen Energy, Creator Of The Rayzen Lightwork Technique, Master Biofield Therapist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker, And Energy Medicine Practitioner
Healing Conversation #1188
— Your immune system is heavily influenced by the state of your emotions.
Did you ever have a stomachache after hearing worrisome news?
You might have felt hot, anxious, stomach swirling, or other physical sensations in your body if you were fearing you would be late for a meeting (perhaps you were the speaker).
Perhaps you had a bad night's sleep and felt physically ill.
The three scenarios share one thing in common: overstimulated nervous systems. In your entire body, you have a nervous system that controls homeostasis, which is a fancy word for balance. Your nervous system regulates your breath, heartbeat, circulation, digestion, blood pressure, brain chemistry, and many other functions.
Suddenly, the mind can flip the body from 'rest and digest' calmness to 'fight or flight' chaos. Although this mechanism is intended to outrun tigers, it is often triggered when we perceive danger that doesn't exist.
A person's nervous system immediately affects their immune system. Our connection to chronic infections lies here. When your nervous system is under stress, whether that stress is a result of the past or the present, it immediately affects your immune system. Healing begins with "unpacking stress in your body and mind" to unburden your immune system. We store stress when we cannot handle it all at the moment - the body is a great place to store it. The goal is to find hidden stress lurking beneath conscious awareness and trapped in the physical body.
Energy medicine is a highly effective and fast way to do this, without having to relive your past. Disconnect energy drains, restore function of your immune cells, and start feeling better, often immediately. Let the body share where it is stuck and unburden, so it can heal naturally, with its own power.
You do not need to be at the mercy of viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi. Your body knows how to handle these infections without difficulty if your immune system is functioning in balance. It’s time to restore your immune system with energy medicine so you can step into your full strength and resilience. Your body and mind will thank you.
Valeria interviews Sarah Lascano — She is the founder of RayZen Energy, creator of the RayZen Lightwork Technique, and Master Biofield Therapist.
She is an Internationally Recognized Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Energy Medicine Practitioner. Sarah is known for revolutionizing health care because she helps her clients and audiences learn an integrative and innovative approach to healing, backed by science, that can treat resistant chronic illness. She is a recognized holistic and energy healing expert and merges her engineering training with practical spiritual wisdom. Sarah is known for her down-to-earth, heart-centered speaking style and healing because it includes science-based solutions, authentic delivery, and content-rich strategies.
To learn more about Sarah Lascano and her work, please visit:
— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.