
Humans are masses of energy that vibrate and radiate the thoughts they are thinking all day long.

Utilize the Power of Your Story to Build Self- Esteem through Creativity, Script Writing and Confidence Boosting Affirmations

Writer R. Buckminister Fuller states, “Never change things by fighting the existing reality to change something. Instead, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

I am not asking you to make a drastic change in your life. I am asking you to become flexible, curious and open to trying new things in finding your style of fit to lose weight. Are you willing to learn creativity? Are you willing to try intermittent fasting? Are you willing to learn about meditation and visualization?

·      Creativity helps you see something that’s better than the future.

·      Creativity helps you find your gift.

·      Men and Women who desire a better world explore their creativity through meditation, imagination, and the power of story.

Click here for some amazing ideas on how to relax while using your creative mind and heart!!!

Facilitate Change:

1)   Create an image of what you want

2)   Say positive affirmations to bring life to your image

3)   Look into the future with your imagination to bring clarity to your image

4)   Get emotionally involved with the image

5)   Repeat for 21 -30 days

A magnetic personality is a person or thing that has a powerful attraction. Your attitude is more powerful than your gifts and talents. You see, attitude is the powerful force that attracts others toward you or moves them away from you. Many gifted and talented people never taste the rewards of their skills because their attitude makes them undesirable to be near.

Stories assume certain patterns of logic in understanding states of the brain. By default, your brain is in constant flux…racing after the moment that has just past, trying to understand it, control it and attach meaning to it. Stories allows the brain to reveal the mystery behind the buried message of happiness, pain, conflict, fear and sadness.


Contact Dr. Audrey Pullman:

Please call (703-400-7321) or email ( for individual, couple, or group workshop sessions.

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