Here is an inspiring and insightful passage in “Mindset Medicine: A Journaling Power Self-Love” Book by Mari L. McCarthy


— Grab your pen and write “I love myself ” in your journal. In addition, I want you to think about the last time you

wrote this simple little sentence about yourself. I also want you to be honest and admit if you’ve never written this before!

Next, I want you to write, “I love myself ” again. Then write it several more times.

This won’t take long. It’s only three words. Three incredibly wonderful and powerful words that will transform your life.

Now, I want you to get bold.
I want you to say “I love myself ” OUT LOUD several times. And when I say out loud, I don’t mean just move your lips

a little as you mumble to yourself.
I mean, say “I LOVE MYSELF” out loud. Really out loud.

Not once, not twice, but several times.
Say it with a big sloppy grin across your face. This will

make you feel amazing because it’s very difficult, if not impos- sible, to put a big smile on your face and feel lousy.

For the next step in this journaling prompt, and this is the big part, I want you to take your journal and stand in front of a mirror. Come on, do it!

I want you to stand in front of a mirror, put a big smile on your face, look yourself square in the eyes, and say, “I love myself.” Not once, not twice, but several times.

Now I know you may be thinking, “I’m with you on this, Mari, but do I really have to look at myself in the mirror and say ‘I love you’ to myself out loud?”

Yes, you do!

I am going to explain why by asking you two questions: How many times have you written about how much you love yourself? How many times have you stood in front of your mirror and talked about how much you love yourself? I’m guessing you probably haven’t done these two things in a long time, if ever.

On the other hand, I bet there have been numerous times  over the years when you have stood in front of your mirror and said things like:

“What the hell’s wrong with you?” “Why’d you do that?”
“How come you’re not in better shape?” Why don’t you have more money? “Why don’t you try harder.” “You’re worthless.”
“You talk too much.”

 If you’ve done this, you’re certainly not alone. We have all abused ourselves while looking in the mirror for one reason or another.

But how many times have you stood in front of your mirror and said:

“I love you! You’re dreamy and incredible!”

If you’re not doing this every single day of your life, my next question is:

Why the heck not?!
It certainly doesn’t take long.
If you’re not doing this simple little exercise every day, you’re not doing it enough. But now you can make up for it. Shower yourself with self-love. Do this every day. Write down the words, “I love you” in your journal. Then stand in

front of your mirror and say, “I love you” to yourself. Remember to say it loud and say it proud. After the ass-kicking you’ve been giving yourself in front of your mirror for all of these years, it’s time to turn the tables and get the self-love thing going.

Getting good at smothering yourself with love can be your own private little thing.

No one even has to know you’re doing it. You can love yourself while you’re writing in your journal every day and no one will suspect a thing.

When you give yourself permission to finally love yourself, it will put you in a tremendous frame of mind for attracting what you really want in all areas of your life.

So go for it. You have nothing to lose and endless amounts of joy to gain!