Here are some inspiring and insightful passages in “Original Wisdom: Harness the Power of the Authentic You” by Donna Bond


— Most of us are brought up to believe that the attainment of “things” is what life is about. Things, meaning both materials and achievements. Things you try to attain both outside of you and inside of you. Consider that everything you need is actually already in you. We all set out to our individual destinations in order to acquire objects and people and things and stuff. Then maybe we get what we were looking for, or maybe we don’t.

And the truth is that what we are really looking for is under- neath all of those things. We are really looking for the feelings that those things will bring us. This is why you can look at what you want and, more importantly, why you want something. Do you believe that a nice house will boost your self-worth? Will finding the right partner bring you security and completeness? Maybe, but only for a minute. The older you get, the more you will realize the attainment of things in the outer world cannot provide the lasting fulfillment you are really searching for.

In the never-ending search for things, you become a rat on a wheel. I certainly did. How do you stop the madness? You return to the beginning. You stop the doing and check in with your Being. You remember that you are a creator—an incredible, multidimensional Being—and that acknowledging yourself that way can invoke reverence and awe of your true essence. Return inward, recognize your authentic nature as the energy of Love, and honor the decision you made to embark on an epic human adventure as a spiritual Being. It is the expression of your unique, individualized energy that is your purpose, which is part of the greater whole.

This is the fourth Sacred Truth Activation. Find a quiet, private space to center yourself, light a candle, and speak these words aloud. If you would like to listen to an audio version of this guided personal decree, please visit sacred truth activations.

I Am Birthing the True Expression of Me

I am on the planet to birth the true expression of me, the authentic me, the truth of me. I am aware that I chose to be here in this life, at this time, on this planet. I know that all of the situations and circum- stances in my life are perfectly designed to assist me in discovering and expressing the truth of who I am. I am aware that life is supporting me and is for me. I am aware that everything happening is unfolding in divine, natural order and harmony. I know in my heart that every person I encounter and every relationship I have—be it for a minute, a decade, or a lifetime—is sacred and is perfectly designed for my expansion and experience. I am willing to see myself and others through the clear lens of Love, and I see my life as a beautiful gift of unfoldment. I am willing to see obstacles as opportunities. I am willing to raise my awareness and invite learning into my experience in a beautiful and graceful way. I am inviting grace into my life so that it can flow through the lessons my Soul has intended for me. I am aware that I am always being guided by my Authentic Self.

I am aware that my Authentic Self is filled with wisdom. I know that by following the lead of my Highest Self—by following my joy and seeing through the clear lens of Love—I am on the path that will reveal my fullest realized potential in this life. I am in the flow of life when I am feeling inspired and alive. I recognize these feelings as the open pathway my Soul is inviting me on. I am following the flow of my joy. And as I do this, I am filled with a sense of wonderment and a sense of awe for the mystery that is unfolding before me. I am aware that in allowing myself to feel and express a sense of expansion—and in continuing to move toward people, experiences, and situations that invoke this feeling within me—I am aligning more fully with my Authentic Self. I am allowing my true self and allowing myself to bloom. My spiritual Being is guiding me along this pathway. I deeply trust this process, knowing the alignment I feel with my joy is the unfolding of my entelechy and my Authentic Self’s integration of my highest potential into my personality.

I am willing to follow my attention to places that invite feelings of upliftment. I am willing to explore people, situations, and experiences that bring me joy, knowing that this is the divine design that my Soul signed up for in this life. I am aware that this is inspiring within me a rich and fulfilling experience in my life.

Be in awe of the extraordinary life you live. Be in wonder of the miraculous masterpiece that is your life’s adventure, with all its trials and triumphs, all its obstacles and opportunities, all its problems and possibilities. And all its miracles. Share your unbridled self to illustrate that joy. Fulfillment and aliveness are not to be discovered at the arrival of a destination; rather, you discover them along the breadcrumb trail that is leading you to you.