weight loss


Weight loss can often feel like a lonely journey. After all, it must always begin with your decision to make a change. But this isn’t something you need to do alone.

At any one time there are millions of people around the world embarking on the very same journey. They too might very well feel isolated. There are many groups and communities, online and in person, ready to welcome you. 

Finding and nurturing support networks can have radical benefits for both your body and your mind in pretty much anything you do.

Dealing with our most persistent problems often means finding ways to look at ourselves from different perspectives, seeing ourselves with other people’s eyes. Most of the time, this is impossible to do alone.

Read on to find out how it could transform your weight loss efforts.



Having a healthy support network isn’t just about making you feel better while tackling a tricky challenge. There are measurable benefits.

Studies have shown participants who joined a weight loss program with a friend or family member lost more weight over the first four months and maintained that weight loss at 10 months. 

This might mean finding a mentor, a weight loss buddy, or a group to join. Whatever makes you comfortable, there are people ready to help and the impact is clear.  



While it’s great to have someone you see in your daily life join you on your weight loss journey, support doesn’t need to be in person for it to be effective.

Finding an online community of people with the same goals and motivations can also help you lose weight, with some studies showing that collective effort has a positive impact on the group as a whole.

Even if you don’t quite feel ready to join a program with someone else, there are many online communities across sites like Reddit filled with people who have had similar experiences and want to share them. 



A big part of losing weight comes down to making some pretty significant lifestyle changes.

This might mean cutting back on the calories you get from alcohol, which can be no small feat for some people.

It’s far easier to do when you’re able to gradually change the environment around you, say by finding new hobbies or going to new places, which is much easier with a friend or family member.

Similarly, some people might be nervous about starting a program of prescription weight loss medication, but when this means joining a community of people who are going through the same thing the shift is much more comfortable.



You may have noticed that modern life is beset by uncertainty and change. We live in an ever-more fast-paced environment and while this may at times feel exciting it can make it really hard to stop and take stock of your life.

If you really want to make positive transformational changes to the way you’re living, you need to be able to ground yourself.

The support of friends, family, and even expert professionals is vital. Finding time for conversations about what you really want to achieve can help you see how far you’ve come, and how achievable the next steps are.

Perhaps even more importantly, you could be providing the same sort of support for someone else.

Losing weight is always going to take a good deal of individual determination and courage. After all, only you can know what it truly means to you.

But like all big changes, you don’t need to manage this alone. In fact, if you want to give yourself the best chance possible you must not try to go it alone.

Surrounding yourself with people who understand what you’re trying to achieve, and why, means surrounding yourself with a support network who can help keep you on track and help you celebrate your victories.